Monday, September 30, 2019

Great Gatsby Narrative Voice Essay

The narrator’s influence plays a fundamental role in a novel that every reader takes into account when getting involved in the story . In Francis S. Fitzgerald’s literary work ‘’The Great Gasby ‘’ the function of Carraway’s narrative voice brought up several controversies among readers and critics for it deals with 3 different attitudes from the part of the narrator through whom ‘’Fitzgerald is able to achieve the aesthetic distance ‘’. (76 Donaldson) The purpose of the essay is to try to pin down those attitudes in view of Carraway’s eliability , awareness and detachment in the novel. In ‘’The Great Gatsby ‘’ Carraway presents the main character as an unique individual who has an ‘’extraordinary gift for hope , a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which is not likely i shall ever find again ‘’(2). His fascination and aknowledgement of Gatsby’s idealism promps the reader to reflect on the promise and the hope the future holds for such an individual and for the tragism of his existence. Carraway becomes reliable as a visionary for he is able to rise above the particular events epicted in the story , revealing a universal and tragic meaning in Gastby’s fate ; that of America itself for the hero personifies th seeker of ‘’ his personal Grail ‘’ in the same way Americans pursue their ideals in their quest for national identity. But as the story unfolds the attitude of the narrator becomes more and more ambivalent ‘’ I was within and without simultaneausly enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life’’ . Carraway sees both the sordidness and superficiality of the New York rich class and its thrill and excitement. In this respect he becomes a mediator between the wealthy , rootless society within which the Buchanans assert themselves and the world of Gastby’s romantic imagination and illusion that transcends the novel . Fitzgerald manages to create 2 essential polarities that go to make up the human mind (103 , Mizener). From an allegorical point of view Nick symbolizes ‘’reason , experience , waking, reality and history while Gastby is imagination , innocence, sleeping , dream and eternity. ’’ (103) The former’s consciousness includes the latter’s developpment in the novel for ‘’not only oes he mediate between the world of Gastby and the Buchanans but also between the text and Fitzgerald’s use of him as a narrator. ‘’(98, Mizener) Altough Nick Carraway seems to understand the hero’s fate because he was taught by his father not to judge the people around him as not all of them partook of ‘’the advantages he had’’ the reader perceives a sense of unrealibility and detachment from his part. Nick’s perspective on Gatsby changes all along while he gets more involved in his life and that of the other characters. Nick listens to confessions since’’ he is a little afraid of missing something ‘’(1) but ‘’he judges and condemns practically everything and everyone he meets in the course of the novel. ’’(132,Donaldson) such as Tom Buchanan’s looks and behaviour , Jordan’s shallowness , Daisy and Gastby’s inconsistencies of character , adding an ironic tone to his observations . Another situation relevant to Nick being unreliable is given by the fact that he doesn’t try to pay justice to Gatsby , telling Tom the truth about Myrtle’s accident. He keeps himself at a certain distance creating the impression that sometimes he knows more than what is really happening and other times exhibiting less than what is actually required. Concerning this aspect the ending becomes even more paradoxical when Carraway decides to retreat home while making a nostalgic connection between his childhood and the West. His departure ‘’parallels Gastby’s desire to buy back the past as well as reaffirm the last words of the novel – that American destiny to ‘’beat on boats against the current borne back easeleslly into the past. (182 ) ‘’(106, Lehan) Taking into consideration the challenging aspects of the narrator’s voice the reader is stimulated to determine Nick’s role in the novel and notice the complexity of Fitzgerald’s character while maintaining a certain degree of partiality . In coming to this conclusion I incline to say that however credible Gatsby’s story may be , the reader is free to grasp a larger significance that is implied in the novel which accounts for the growth and decline of the 20th century American nation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pintura Ecuatoriana

SALLY SWANSONG CASE Possibilities – Alternatives for both parts: Sally (1) and Lyric Opera Company(2) 1 2 Sally should not sing in this opera, she could do that in other opportunity| Lyric Opera Company should contract to other young opera singer to the principle role| She could teach to any another young opera singers. | It could contract an opera singer with experience or anyone whose it could not have to pay a lot of money| Looking for the principle role in other musical| Looking for another cheap principal singer with experience. Looking for a job in others places or public activities related to the art world in order to be recognized once again e. g. TV commercials. It could be accessible, because of her experience. | Contracting a very well-known opera singer, not only national, so international one. Announcing that by press conference to reduce extra marketing expenses. | Having the principal role as the opera singer, collecting not a high salary because of the uncertai n result of the audience. Offering the main role to a secondary opera singer, emphasizing that it would be a great opportunity to her career. | 1. Two possible alternatives: Sally: (-) Looking for another title role in another place by another company, using their experience and she would be able to relaunch her career in this way. (+) Getting the contract with this company. As a result, having successful and getting recognition. Lyric Opera Company: (-) Hire another opera singer in the title role as cheaply as possible (it is mportant to emphasize that she would have only three weeks to the opening) (+) To win time, it can contract to Sally with a little margin of negative answer of the audience because of her experience, possible conventions and good benefits in terms of money (because it is not a good show, it could pay the minimum to Sally) 2. Lyric Opera Company, Sally and us – Interest LYRIC OPERA COMPANY: * $ (All related to money) Winning more than they expected a per centage of 85%. Saving as much as possible ($). Hiring a principal opera singer at the lowest price possible for avoiding budget problems * They want to designate the primary role of the play at the shortest possible time because the premiere would be in three weeks. * Maintain its prestige * In monetary terms, To be successful is necessary to sell over 85% of the locations * No problems during the premiere with the principal opera singer SALLY: * To be recognized, resurging as the phoenix bird. It could be possible if she had only the principle role, * Relaunching her career. Achieving contract with Lyric Opera company to access better paying to future roles * To succeed, it is necessary that the play could have the necessary promotions and marketing suitable for proper ticket sales (over 80%) * Having the TV Contract to $ 45000 WE: * Having recognition for Sally case, being this our first job. * Achieving a commission in line with sales and the success of the play * Give all the b enefices to Sally in this case, to satisfy her necessities and be recommended later, so it is important to achieve the contract with the TV to $ 45,000 or projecting her career in the future * If we manage a ood bargain in the case of Sally, we could achieve reputation 3. WIN TO WIN options What happen if Sally performs the Opera? Result: Both WIN WIN TO WIN| Sally| If Sally does the title role of the opera, she will get the revival and recognition. And she will have more than commissions, which was looking for futures contracts and other activities, immersed in the art world. Lyric Opera Company| Hiring Sally who has experience, thus reducing the time of preparation for the premiere of the soon play; it is more predictable for the company, so it could solve the main problem of â€Å"looking for the principal opera singer†| Us (legal representatives)| Being our first case, the success of Sally, will benefice us in terms of recognition. | Additionally: * As marketing program, it could be a good option to make agreements with institutions such as the educational, cultural in order to increase ticket sales for the play and it would be possible to achieve the 80% provided by the company to be considered a success.As Sally does not charge commission for this agreement, Lyric Opera Cia could be benefited from the sale of tickets, without having invested heavily in promotions. * In terms of money, Opera Company can hire Sally with a fixed value that is 15% or 20% less than market price. So, Sally could have her contract, and Opera Company hires someone before the premiere of the play at a lower cost * If it gets 85% predicted, it will be given to the respective payment to Sally and commissions.If it is not possible â€Å"sales expectations†, it could represent less payment or the minimum to Sally. But the company must comply with the relevant marketing, then If Sally gets the lead role, and she could relaunch her career for futures contracts, she may ma ke donations to Lyric Opera Cia. * Because of her experience, and the success he had in the past, there are people who continue following her so the Company can use his name for marketing campaigns. What happen if other Soprano performs the Opera? Result: WIN TO WIN| Sally| . | Lyric Opera Company| | Us (legal representatives)| |

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Construction Management - Finance and Risk Management Essay - 1

Construction Management - Finance and Risk Management - Essay Example In the first half of 2013 the country experienced GDP growth rate of 9.4%. There was a significant growth in the construction sector at 17.7%. This growth in the construction industry in noted due to the fact that about 2000 new facilities were being built in the country. However, it also needs to be noted that the construction industry is mainly dependent on the spending by the government as there is very limited spending in construction industry by people. This is due to the fact that priority of construction of private housing is low. It is seen that the construction industry in any country has a very important role to play in the economic development of any country and also as a supplier of the physical infrastructure of the country. After Turkmenistan broke free from Russia, the government has tried to build the physical infrastructure problems that aim at reconstructing Turkmenistan. This has led to the fact that GDP growth in the construction industry was 2.2 times. However, t here are several risk factors that are associated with any industry. Any industry should make policies that are associated towards managing those risks. The various risk factors or the factors that are associated with uncertainty are related to implementation of new technology, availability of workforce that is experienced, availability of timely payments by the government, bureaucratic risks etc. There are other factors that are related to failure of being able to meet the deadlines. All these factors ultimately translate to risk for the construction industry. Now the question that arises in this context is related to the risk management practices that are implemented to counter the risk. The paper analyzes the risk management methods and the perception of risk management and financial management methods by the people. I think that whether it is the government or the public or the company or individual everyone

Friday, September 27, 2019

Chieldren's Group Activities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chieldren's Group Activities - Assignment Example For instance, take the outlook of a physical education teacher. "Cognitively, preschool children are at a pre-operational stage. New schema are constantly changing as children accommodate and assimilate information. Young children are still developing principles of conservation, seriation, and other important foundational learning fundamentals. They have short attention spans and usually can process or focus on only one concept at a time. They learn best through active experiences in the tactile kinesthetic mode" (Werner, 1994, pg.1; Gura, P., 1996; and Hurst, V., 1997). Group play with small children is self-centered. This is the time that their self-esteem and self-concept are developing and must be nourished through positive experiences. "Socially, preschool children are developing interactive skills with others, but often revert to behaviors which satisfy themselves" (Werner, 1994, pg. 1; Hurst, V. & Joseph, J, 1998). Listening also plays an important role in group interactive skills. "Interactive skills ensure that you understand the messages your counterparts are communicating and acknowledge their feelings. Interactive skills include clarifying, verifying, and reflecting" (Everyone Negotiates, 2008, pg. 2). The process of clarifying involves using "facilitative questions to fill in the details, get additional information, and explore all sides of an issue." The process of verifying involves paraphrasing a speaker's words to ensure that they are being interpreted correctly. Finally, the process of reflecting involves making "remarks that acknowledge and show empathy for the speaker's feeling" (Everyone Negotiates, 2008, pg. 2). How Sessions are Planned and Managed "Different children have different personalities, and likewise, children have different intelligences and learning styles-some are visual-spatial learners, some auditory learners, some kinesthetic learners, and some a combination. By understanding your child's learning personality, you can tailor his environment or teach him tips to help him succeed in school and in life" (, 2008, pg. 5). This means that the various learning styles that a group of children exhibits will determine how sessions are planned and managed. Knowing how to plan and manage a session is critical in ensuring successful knowledge transmission among group members. Teachers need to know the different learning and thinking styles and how they affect children in the group, a thorough lesson plan needs to be developed based on those needs, proper discipline needs to be maintained, the strengths and weaknesses of the group members need to be identified and assessed, and the teacher should have a working knowledge of social and emotional learning (, 2008, pg. 5). How Assessment Strategies are Used to Progress Children's Learning "Assessment doesn't take time away from learning; assessments can be learning experiences in themselves. Active assessment strategies enhance student content understanding and promote skills that will be beneficial to students throughout their lives. The ability to see the big picture, develop effective oral

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Books Reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Books Reading - Essay Example It enabled me to think beyond the mundane pursuits of life and made me believe that I can be happy in this world by pursuing my wishes and desires and by searching for my â€Å"treasure.† This book changed my view about how to live my life; it has taught me to be happy and to believe in the power of love, whether it is the love that God has bestowed on me or the love that I have for my fellow human beings. Books that are beautiful and touch people greatly automatically do good business. However, lately, there is a trend to treat the publishing industry as a business and not as a way to touch and/or improve the conscience of the reader. Publishing houses do not accept manuscripts which they feel will not fetch them enough money; on the same note, they are attracted to manuscripts that in their opinion would be â€Å"bestsellers† and fetch them business. This leads to the problem of various publishing houses churning out formula books; in other words, books written in a similar genre and pattern. The nineties obsession with thrillers is an example of this when almost every publishing house turned out similarly patterned books that seemed like renditions of Hollywood flicks; albeit some writers were actually writing great books in the genre, most of these books just seemed like cheap versions of the real thing. Lately, there is a trend of publishing religiously oriented books; acc ording to the Book Industry Survey Group, in 2004; there was an 11 percent increase in the gains of such books, reaching almost 2 billion in sales. With such large amounts of money involved, the publishers, of course, follow the trend and do not publish books that are not â€Å"trendy† so to speak.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hometown Deli Competitive Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hometown Deli Competitive Analysis - Case Study Example However, with the threat of looming competition, it is important to analyze the market and determine the possible change in profitability. It is also important to identify a strategy that will be used to improve the business and make it viable in this time. The first aspect of Porter’s five force analysis is the supplier power, which is the importance of the supplier when serving more than one competitor (Porter, 2008). From the analysis of Hometown Deli, it can be determined that the previous owner built a network of suppliers. This means that the supplier is a powerful force in the industry. From the products of the deli, it is evident that there are many possible avenues for getting new suppliers, so the threat of supplier power is low. The best strategy to deal with the existing suppliers is to consolidate their services to guard from competition. This can be done by using one supplier and ensuring that long-term contracts are used with the supplier. The second aspect of P orter’s model is buyer power, and is probably the most important part of the analysis (Porter, 2008). From the history of the deli, it is evident that the previous owner built a network of customers, and the new owner has to find a strategy of retaining these customers. The information indicates that the deli has been a local hotspot for many years, and the best strategy to deal with the power of the buyer is to ensure that these customers do not move with the potential competition. This is done by ensuring that the customers retain their image of the company. In this case, Hometown Deli should provide promotional content aimed at retaining old customers, like using loyalty programs for old customers and introducing prices for returning customers. The other factor is the threat of new entrants, which is determined by the existing competition in the region, cost advantages, barriers to entry and access to distribution (Porter, 2008). In the case of Hometown Deli, there is a bi g threat from competition, mainly because there are low barrier to entry and the potential competition has bigger profits, which means that they have more access to promotional content. This means that the deli is faced with the biggest threat from competition, ad to deal with it, management should come up with a way of increasing their competitive presence. The best strategy for this is to find extra sources of finance and improve the technological presence in the region. If the deli improves the service offered to its customers, it would make it easier to retain customers to the deli. The deli should be brought up to date in terms of competitive presence in the region. The fourth factor is the threat of substitutes, which is the competition faced by a business from the possibility of clients using substitute products (Porter, 2008). In the case of Hometown Deli, the main substitute product is fast food restaurant products, which is not so much of a problem. This force can be addre ssed by consolidating the clients’ preference for the deli product. The last factor is the degree of rivalry, which refers to the competition that would be posed by a rival company. Increased competition can drive profits very low since the market is very concentrated. With the threat of only one rival, it is important to establish a strong identity; otherwise the market could become a monopoly, especially since the potential com

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Should international marriage be banned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Should international marriage be banned - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in the recent past, international marriage has received increased attention both from the perspective of theory and due to the practical concern. Several urgent policy issues have come up due to the emerging trends of international marriages. International marriage is for people who have an adventurer’s heart. International marriages require its participants to have a different view of the world. These people need to go contrary to established behavior patterns. In addition, International marriages present an opportunity for diversity and exploration of two or more different cultures and traditions. Despite these benefits, international marriages have problems that are absent if couples are from the same nation. Due to this, international marriages need to be discouraged and even banned to avoid the occurrence of such problems. The present research has identified that cultural differences present several challenges for internati onal marriages. Every society  around  the world has its distinct and unique culture and value system. These differences in culture and value systems present simple routine differences. If people marry from the same country, there are high chances that they will have the same cultures and share in these unique value systems. Thus, there would be reduced uneasiness in the marriage resulting due to culture shock and the need to adopt the value system of either party.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Business management - Essay Example Luckily, the company I wish to work for i.e. GE was not on that list and the ethical report from GE as well as other data gathered from secondary sources about GE show that the company is on rather well footings when it comes to ethics. To conduct the audit, the first source was GE’s own report on their corporate ethics and their citizenship in terms of being a part of the business world (GE, 2006). As discussed by Carmichael et. al. (2008), elements such as ethical values, baseline ethics, social expectations and stakeholder analysis were used to create an ethical audit on the position of GE and to understand their current standings with regard to ethics. Additionally, secondary sources were also used that show that GE still has some trouble with regard to ethical treatment of certain minority employees which shows that there is room for improvement. The company itself is well esteemed and held in high esteem by business analysts as well as CEOs of other companies (Demos, 2006). It has a long history of global operations and has excellent in many sectors and fields of business such as administration, human resources management. According to Welch (2005), a large part of this admiration comes from the manner in which GE handles its business aspects of good leadership coming from the highest end of the company and the process of creating positive motivation for the employees of the organisation. As a global player, GE is certainly a giant with a history that goes back to the invention of the light bulb at the hands of Edison. Today, GE is the name given to a large group of companies work under the same umbrella with eleven different concerns. From finance, to technology to aviation to manufacturing, GE engages in a variety of business which require a large number of employees spread across the globe. More than 300,000 employees in a 150 countries work for the company with a unified system that has been

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Research Paper Example The study objectives of this study include the analysis of the status of internet marketing in Hong Kong, to examine the effectiveness of internet marketing at Hong Kong, and to examine the behavior and the viewpoints of consumers, towards internet marketing (Anderson, Claes, & Lehmann 53). Introduction There is no doubt that the internet continues to shape consumer trends not only in Hong Kong, but also in the rest of the world. The internet has grown into a crucial source of information for the entire population. In response to this trend, and the growing influence of the internet, advertisers and marketers found it a useful tool to reach target consumers. Due to the integrated nature of the role of the internet in marketing, the effectiveness of online advertising has remained an issue of debate among consumers, scholars and advertisers (Charlesworth 33-334). This paper will be an analysis of the status of internet marketing in Hong Kong and its effectiveness in shaping purchasing behaviors of Hong Kong consumers. Basically, the paper will analyze the role played by internet advertizing in influencing Hong Kong’s consumer behavior. ... ance publication of 2008 noted that the amounts spent on internet advertising in Hong Kong are in the range of HK$ 172 million, for the opening quarter of 2008. Of the total expenditure, electrical and computer appliances grouping contributed the most, giving a total of HK$ 30 million. During this quarter of 2008, more than 1000 advertisers advertised their wares over the internet: 5.5 billion internet-advertising impressions and 2800 campaigns. Previous studies show that advertising – directly or indirectly influences the purchasing behavior of consumers. According to Charlesworth, customers with a fair outlook towards advertising are more likely to be influenced by advertising – into making purchases (67-69). Undoubtedly, there are many types of advertisements, which people can use to advertise their products and services. Currently, internet advertising has proved to be the most effective method of marketing products. The emergence of the internet as a tool for marke ting has so far proved to be one of the most effective methods of boosting consumer behavior. It is imperative to note that internet use began in 1980s and has since grown tremendously throughout the world. The emergence of new technologies such as fiber optics has even led to the increase of business opportunities, but its use as well. All over the world, over 150 million people use internet for various purposes, and the numbers keep on increasing each day. Today, through internet, the world has become a global village where consumers use the smallest gadgets—mobile phones—to buy products and services (Faber, Lee, and Xiaoli 447). From internet banking to money transfer to online purchasing, the internet has become a powerful device in the consumer industry. Various governments are busy putting

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Film Critique The Queen Essay Example for Free

Film Critique The Queen Essay Movie roles performed by high caliber actors and actresses of living icons are always the hardest to portray. Helen Mirren’s portrayal of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, has given us an amazing resemblance (although without as much effects and make-up the resemblance ended) and an in-depth visual and emotional recognition of the British royal who was considered to be so distant and ethereal. I am more than glad that the Reston Multiplex Movie Theatre was comparably filled with older adults than the usual teenage movie goers so I was afforded the chance to concentrate on the film. Generally, the film may not appeal to the younger audience for its lack of pound for pound action and intrigue. However it does gives us an idea of how the British monarchy behaves, as the apex of the British class system. We seldom see portrayals that are free from bias especially when the subjects are as famous and influential as the Queen and her family. But the events that catapulted them into the public eye may have relieved them of their tight bond to maintain their feelings to themselves. Diana’s death has given us glimpses into their private lives which the Queen vehemently tried to seclude her family from the curious and even blatant questions of the public and the press. We see how the Queen reacted and tried in earnest to maintain her stance and tradition to shy away from the camera and the public even as the image-conscious PM Tony Blair continued to cajole the Queen and her family out of their shells. It has also given us an insight to the life the British Royal couple has led all these years which shows support for each other and a husband who is willing to stay behind the shadow of his wife and yet live admirably together in harmony. The family’s traditional and puritan values saw the British monarch trying to distance herself away from the prying eye of the media upon news of Diana’s death. The queen’s immediate concerns were for the â€Å"boys† alone after learning of the tradgedy while vacationing at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. Apparently Diana had fallen off from the royal family to warrant the kind of behavior and almost distant hatred even after learning the news of her accidental death. Public sentiment against the monarchy grew as the Queen and family continued to be absent from the public eye even as Britain grieved for the death of their princess. Seemingly, Diana had been closer to the Britons because she showed what it was like to live a fairy tale life in the beginning and showed to the world that the monarchy was not as invincible as it seems. Profoundly Diana has created a breathing, real life princess capable of feelings thereby creating a certain link of reality to the masses and thereby showing that the monarchy was no different from anyone. Eventually as grief poured, sentiments against the monarchy grew, which PM Tony Blair handled superbly thereby surging his popularity in tune with the national mood. He became closer to the British public and the world. His continued calls for the queen and the family to at least make statements were left ignored at first with Lord Mountbatten (James Cromwell) seemingly disgruntled over PM Blair’s (Michael Sheen) insistence. The Queen explained her position to Blair that Diana lost her relation to the royal family when she divorced her son, the Prince of Wales and insisted that mourning should be a private matter handled by her own family and not by the British Crown. Later on, the Queen who was known to stick to her principle gave in after mistakenly assuming that the public sentiment will slowly ebb over time. After so much criticism from the British tabloids for failing to offer any sign of condolence, and advice from Blair on how the royals should conduct out of public respect, the Queen finally gave in despite disagreement from her mother and gave a speech praising Diana’s life and work. The British flag was also allowed to fly at half mast and a public funeral was hosted in memory of Diana. The queen was then pushed into public view as Mirren’s brilliant performance showed her exact reaction while coming out to look at the flowers in front of the curious British public who was equally assailed with mixed emotions. It was a moment that I held my breath because I had seen the actual a dozen times on television and hardly noticed any difference. The scene showed Elizabeth’s graceful human side and strength both at the same time. Her candid response to the flowers given to her showed her awe that revealed her human nature that no amount of pretense a queen could mask. In effect, the movie was critical of the monarchy but candid and transparent in its portrayal that was sometimes funny and empathic. It evoked the true nature of the royal family’s behavior and sometimes leaves us questions of their simplicity or sarcasm in public statements. Martin Sheen’s portrayal of a young and enthusiastic Tony Blair also showed a generous amount of political set-up reminiscent of the time when PM Blair suddenly gained massive popularity following Diana’s death. His behavior was indeed fitted with the contemporary mixture of grief that called for human decency and respect during Diana’s death which the royal family had mixed initial feelings of. In summary, the movie showed to the world the importance of adapting to change as opposed to the views of rigid tradition which could have led to stagnation. It also showed us that family traditions and values are being questioned in the face of common contemporary behavior and modes. Public figures are always subjected to observation and ridicule because the public always love to know how public icons behave in the face of adversities and criticize any actions for consumption. The Queen (2006) Movie. Starring Helen Mirren as the Queen Elizabeth II; James Cromwell as Lord Mountbatten and Martin Sheen as PM Tony Blair.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Charity PESTEL Analysis and Recommendations

Charity PESTEL Analysis and Recommendations Dhreima Qatar The Volunteering in the Community Dhreima is one of the charities in Qatar. Its considered the best family of the orphans and the ideal environment for the children who are suffering from poverty in Qatar. Charity is the concept of giving. It makes the person who follows charity feels the suffering and hopelessness just like the others. The charity is pushing the person to change the situation from bad to good towards at least another persons life. Charity also gives the children a sense of happiness and satisfaction as well as inner peace. When volunteers show the impact of their charity towards the needed person, they are capable of giving by nature a sense of happiness to the charitable person. Charity has several shapes through which the person can offer the charity to another person who is in need. The objectives are the actions and aims of the charity any organization plans to achieve. Thus, each charity organization has its own objective which it tries to accomplish. For example, a charity is aiming to improve the children lives who suffer from poverty as well as saving them in the future. Therefore, the charitys objectives are to create a crisis line by building shelter or educating children about how to protect themselves and how to live by using safe ways without suffering from the poverty as well as working in good jobs. Thus, the activities of each charity should be devoted to these aims and draw the correct plans to achieve the goals. Another aim of this charity is to make the persons involved and volunteered in this work to feel the suffering and hopelessness of other children. This charity is pushing the person to change the situation into a better one to make children feel happier and safer. This charity also tries its best efforts to satisfy the children and accomplish their needs. The objectives depend on the level of children. The two main elements of this organization are adopted to guarantee the life of poor children as well as pushing them to happiness. Moreover, these organizations prepare and organize the perfect programs and activities to attract the attention of children through playing and other means of entertainment. The concept of charity is preached by all religions in the whole world. It is the way of bringing justice to society and justice is the main concept of Islam. Charity is divided in Islam into two forms; obligatory and voluntary. As a matter of fact, the voluntary part is known as Zakat and Sadaqa. Zakah, comes from the verb zaka, which means to be pure. In other words, Sadaqa refers to giving a part of ones money to help others who need help in order to secure their lives. The orphanage of Dhreima aims to integrate the Islamic system of care and shelter for the orphans into the Arab country, Qatar. This system is achieved by people who have the experience in accomplishing the satisfaction of the poor children after their suffering from poverty in their life. Charity has several shapes through which a volunteer can offer the charity to another person in need. Food charity is one of the most important charitable ways of helping others. This way can be achieved through feeding a hungry person or buying food along with offering it to a charitable organization that is responsible for feeding poor people. The other aspect of offering charity is through teaching illiterate people to learn how to read and write to help them get good jobs and improve their living conditions. Money is one of the most used aspects among people; it helps people to think about what they should give to the poor people as a kind of help. The other aspect of charity is the medical care, which is the most powerful aspect among the others because the more a person offers medicine to poor people, the more the person saves several lives and families from death. Political In fact, political events and situations could contribute in the development of Dhreima charity or lead to form obstacles that might impede the pace of work. From these obstacles are policies regarding charitable activities. In other words, volunteers, in Dhreima charity, might find themselves involved in political conflicts as many countries could impose constraints on the business of those charities as well as issues regarding financial transactions. Unfortunately, this could result in delaying work in executing programs and creating projects. Economic From the economic point of view, Dhreima charity could face problems in finding the right investors to invest their money in its projects and activities.ÂÂ   Furthermore, Dhreima might issues in balancing between the budgets and forming activities to children along with providing volunteers with the needed resources. Thats why it must start to announce its work to the public in addition to designing advertisements and commercials in different means of media to find enough money to accomplish success and development in work. It has also to find the perfect investors and business men and consider them as sources of money in order to encourage them to operate business. Social The social part could be seen in the point of view of Qatari and Arab people as who like to donate a lot of money to these charities especially orphanages. These donations dont have to take the form of money as they can take many shapes like offering their time to those children as well as giving them food. In fact, these orphanages provide people with the ability to serve God and the whole world through making children happy and achieve their needs. Technological Dhreima charity could have to deal with issues regarding technology as it might not have the perfect means of communication in order to contact its members and its investors. Another problem might be in the inability of volunteers to contact with poor orphans in the organization. Thats why Dhreima workers must do their best efforts to provide the charity with the required technological apparatuses such as computers and projectors. Legal The legal field can be determined in the fact that Dhreima must follow the guidelines and regulations stated by the Qatari government regarding charitable works and activities. Workers also have to respect these guidelines and not violate them in order not to be prone to any legal issues. Environmental The role of Dhreima is to keep the environment clean when conducting activities. It also teaches children about not polluting the environment while playing or having fun to keep the planet safe. The organization of Dheima is caring of the children who are orphans in the Qatar. This charity is progress many services which availability to them the good and safe life. Its considered the best family of the orphans and the ideal environment for the children who suffering from the poverty in Qatar. Charity is the concept of giving. It makes the person who follows charity that feels the suffering and hopelessness more the others. There is several charities which through them person can offer the charity to other person in need. Food charity is one of the most important charitable ways of helping others. This is through feeding a hungry person or buying food and offering it to a charitable organization that is responsible for feeding poor people. The other aspect of offering charity is teaching illiterate children to learn how to read and write anything to know minimum the beginning of the read and write to help them to know lives around the people after outing from this organization. Its also helping them in their future to getting good jobs and working in a good position, and also to improve their living conditions. Money is one of the most used and very important aspects among people in their future ; it helps the way of people can think what they should give to the poor people as a kind of help. The other aspect of the charity is the medical care, which is the most powerful aspect among the others because by helping in getting medicines to poor people the more the person saves several lives and families. Thus, this organization help children from their child to promotion their future and live a good life and have happiness their life. SMART recommendations for the development of the organization for which they are volunteering Strength Reputation of the charity in the state of Qatar. Number of activities and projects conducted by Dhreima orphanage. Weakness Financial problems. Finding good donators and investors. Constraints imposed by the Qatari government. Opportunities Using advertisements and commercials to attract more investors. Forming business and strong relationship with business owners and Arabs to encourage them to donate and invest their money. Threats Keeping children safe and offer them the right nutrition. Competition from other orphanages in the state of Qatar and in the whole world. Restraining of international business owners and organizations to invest their money in the activities conducted by the charity. 1 Dhreima must achieve the goal of attracting more investors in the state of Qatar to balance its budget and increase its activities. 2 The goal will be achieved by contacting ten well-known investors and will be evaluated through succeeding in getting in touch with these investors. 3 Attracting more investors who are interested in charity like owners of religious organizations to provide Dhreima with the needed resources. 4 When Dhreima manages to grab the attention of more donators, it will succeed in increasing the number of activities and projects for poor children which is the main objective of the organization. 5 This goal will be achieved within a year and the deadline will be five months from the determined period. I picked the third, fourth and fifth recommendations because Dhreima wouldnt be able to achieve its goals and policies without determining these elements. Through attracting the attention of religious organizations as they are considered the most interested organizations in the charity and voluntary work, Dhreima can be able to raise the number of projects. The time also has to be determined in order to achieve the goal perfectly and avoid the occurrence of any delay. Skills which can be developed while volunteering for such work can be: having the desire to help people and give more, dedicate time to poor children and having the ability to deal with different ages. SWOT for me as a volunteer Strength Dealing with different ages Loving charitable works Making other children happy Saving the lives of orphans and showing care to them Weakness Not being able to keep in touch with children Being shy or embarrassed when dealing with orphans for the first time Opportunities Getting encouragement from children and other volunteers to show more effort and work. Threats Not being provided with the needed resources Arousal of conflicts or fights between children or between I and the organization itself To sum up, charitable organizations are very important in any country all over the world. They provide people with the ability to serve others and offer them help. Children and orphans also feel happy when they get receive help from others. These charities also contribute in saving the countries from homelessness and poverty because they take good care of little children and protect their lives instead of letting them in streets. Thats why governmental authorities must encourage more these charities, offer them the needed resources, spread the awareness of importance of these organizations and finally attract the attention of investors and donators to invest their money in them. By following these steps, Dhreima and other orphanages will be able to offer more and give more to satisfy those kids and provide them with good care. References Anon., 2014. marhaba. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2013. marhaba. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. Why is charity important?. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 16 February 2017]. Hench, J., n.d. The Importance of Charity Work. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 16 February 2017]. Kordy, A., 2010. Obstacles of charity work. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 16 February 2017]. Rene, P., 2016. patimes. [Online] Available at:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dealing With Guilt in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essays

Dealing With Guilt in The Scarlet Letter    Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne attempted to expose the varying ways in which different people deal with lingering guilt from sins they have perpetrated. The contrasting characters of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale ideally exemplified the differences in thought and behavior people have for guilt. Although they were both guilty of committing the same crime, these two individuals differed in that one punished themselves with physical and mental torture and the other chose to continue on with their life, devoting it to those less fortunate than they.    In order to show this difference in the two main characters, they both had to be put on relatively same grounds. Hawthorne achieved this by making them both involved in the same offense: adultery. Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale both resided in the same town and both knew the same people in the settlement. However, despite this effort for equality, it was impossible to make both characters play on the same level. For development and in...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ntozake Shange :: Male White Dominance Essays Prejudice

Ntozake Shange After spending a semester looking at Gardner's limited selection of people, I became frustrated at his blatant message that White male creativity is the only one to exist. With his obtrusive message in mind, I felt the need to challenge Gardner and his model to become less Euro-centrally male driven. In order to confront him, I have chosen a person who is neither, White nor male. Instead, she is a Black American woman who I can consider to be, in many aspects, a creative genius. Although I find it incredibly hypocritical to try to fit Ntozake Shange into Gardner's creativity model, for all intensive purposes for the class I will first point out how she does meet his model. Next, in accordance with Black feminists, I will examine why she does not fit into Gardner's creativity model and frankly, why it does not matter that she is not shaped into the model. Further, I will confront the issue that marginal people are rejected society's cannon (i.e. the white male cannon), and how Gardner, in the position of a writer he could have broken down some of these barriers. Ntozake Shange does fit into five of the seven intelligences in Howard Gardner's model. As a performance artist, poet, musician, writer, and politician, Shange's intelligences span the interpersonal, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, and verbal talents. She blends music, drama, and poetry to characterize the Black experience in America, particularly the Black female experience. Her works empower women to take responsibility for their lives by learning to love themselves and challenge their oppressors. Shange's life and works give clarification and direction to the current feminist movement (Black Women in America). Furthermore, her supportive back-ground fits her into Gardner'stheory that, "the roles of family and teachers during the formative years, as well as the roles of crucial supportive individuals during the times in which a creative breakthrough seems imminent" through the lives of creative people (8). Paulette Williams was born to Eloise and Paul Williams on October 18th, 1948. Later in life, Paulette Williams changed her "slave name" to an African name, Ntozake Shange. Ntozake means "she who comes with her own things" and Shange means "who walks like a lion" (Current Biography 1978). However, in her earlier life, Shange lived a seemingly comfortable life. Her mother was a psychiatrist/social worker and her father was a surgeon. Despite their Blackness in a times of segregation, Shange was given violin and dancing lessons while exposed to other artistic activities as well.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Causes of the Revolutionary War :: American America History

Causes of the Revolutionary War The haphazard and disorganized British rule of the American colonies in the decade prior to the outbreak led to the Revolutionary War. The mismanagement of the colonies, the taxation policies that violated the colonist right's, the distractions of foreign wars and politics in England and mercantilist policies that benefited the English to a much greater degree then the colonists all show the British incompetence in their rule over the colonies. These policies and distractions were some of the causes of the Revolutionary War. The interests of England within the colonies were self-centered. The English were exploiting were trying to govern the colonies by using the mercantilist system. Mercantilism is when the state directs all the economic activities within it's borders(Blum 31). England was not attempting to make any changes that would help the colonists. They limited the colonies commerce to internal trade only(Miller 9). The English were exploiting the colonies by demanding that the colonies import more from England then they exported to the colonies. They were importing raw materials from the colonies and making them into exportable goods in England. They would then ship these goods to foreign markets all around the world including the colonies(America Online ). Throughout the seventeenth century the English saw America as a place to get materials they didn't have at home and a market to sell finished products at after the goods had been manufactured. This was detrimental to the colonies because it pr evented them from manufacturing any of the raw materials they produced and made them more dependent upon England. In addition to the unrest caused by their mercantilist policies, domestic political issues distracted them from the activities of the colonies. Throughout the sixteen hundreds, Great Britain was more involved in solving the Constitutional issue of who was to have more power in English government, the king or parliament. When this complex issue was finally resolved in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, England turned its attention back to the colonies and found that colonists had developed their own identity as American. There was no central office in England to control what was happening in the colonies. The executive authority in England was divided among several ministers and commissioners that did not act quickly or in unison. Also, the Board of Trade, the branch of government that knew more about the colonies than any other governing body in England, did not have the power to make decisions or to enforce decrees. Causes of the Revolutionary War :: American America History Causes of the Revolutionary War The haphazard and disorganized British rule of the American colonies in the decade prior to the outbreak led to the Revolutionary War. The mismanagement of the colonies, the taxation policies that violated the colonist right's, the distractions of foreign wars and politics in England and mercantilist policies that benefited the English to a much greater degree then the colonists all show the British incompetence in their rule over the colonies. These policies and distractions were some of the causes of the Revolutionary War. The interests of England within the colonies were self-centered. The English were exploiting were trying to govern the colonies by using the mercantilist system. Mercantilism is when the state directs all the economic activities within it's borders(Blum 31). England was not attempting to make any changes that would help the colonists. They limited the colonies commerce to internal trade only(Miller 9). The English were exploiting the colonies by demanding that the colonies import more from England then they exported to the colonies. They were importing raw materials from the colonies and making them into exportable goods in England. They would then ship these goods to foreign markets all around the world including the colonies(America Online ). Throughout the seventeenth century the English saw America as a place to get materials they didn't have at home and a market to sell finished products at after the goods had been manufactured. This was detrimental to the colonies because it pr evented them from manufacturing any of the raw materials they produced and made them more dependent upon England. In addition to the unrest caused by their mercantilist policies, domestic political issues distracted them from the activities of the colonies. Throughout the sixteen hundreds, Great Britain was more involved in solving the Constitutional issue of who was to have more power in English government, the king or parliament. When this complex issue was finally resolved in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, England turned its attention back to the colonies and found that colonists had developed their own identity as American. There was no central office in England to control what was happening in the colonies. The executive authority in England was divided among several ministers and commissioners that did not act quickly or in unison. Also, the Board of Trade, the branch of government that knew more about the colonies than any other governing body in England, did not have the power to make decisions or to enforce decrees.

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of Motorcycles Essay

History Of Motorcycles And The Automobile Industries Marketing Essay Automobile is one of the largest industries in global market. Being the leader in product and process technologies in the manufacturing sector, it has been recognized as one of the drivers of economic growth. During the last decade, well directed efforts have been made to provide a new look to the automobile policy for realizing the sector’s full potential for the economy. Steps like abolition of licensing, removal of quantitative restrictions and initiatives to bring the policy framework in consonance with WTO requirements have set the industry in a progressive track. Removal of the restrictive environment has helped restructuring, and enabled industry to absorb new technologies, aligning itself with the global development and also to realize its potential in the country. The two-wheeler industry has been in existence in our country since 1955. Two-wheeler segment is one of the most important components of the automobile sector that has undergone significant changes due to shift in policy environment in India. The composition of the two-wheeler industry has witnessed sea changes in the postreform period. It consists of three segments viz. scooters, motorcycles and mopeds. India is the second largest producer and manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world. Indian two-wheeler industry has got spectacular growth in the last few years. Hero Honda, the ‘World No. 1’ two wheeler manufacturer for past 5 years in row is a joint venture between India’s Hero Group and Honda Motor Company, Japan has not only created the world’s single largest two wheeler company but also one of the most successful joint ventures worldwide. India is the second largest producer and manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world. Indian two-wheeler industry has got spectacular growth in the last few years. Indian two-wheeler industry had a small beginning in the early 50’s. The Automobile Products of India (API) started manufacturing scooters in the country. Bikes are a major segment of Indian two wheeler industry, the other two being scooters and mopeds. Indian companies are among the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in the world. Hero Honda and Bajaj Auto are two of the Indian companies that top the list of world companies manufacturing two-wheelers. The two-wheeler market was opened to foreign companies in the mid 1980s. The openness of Indian market to foreign companies lead to the arrival of new models of two-wheelers into India. Easy availability of loans from the banks, relatively low rate of interest and the discount of prices offered by the dealers and manufacturers lead to the increasing demand for two-wheeler vehicles in India. This lead to the strong growth of Indian automobile industry. The two-wheeler industry in India has grown rapidly in the country since the announcement of the process of liberalization in 1991 by the then finance minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, now Prime Minister of India. Previously, there were only a handful of two-wheeler models available in the country. Currently, India is the second largest producer of two-wheelers in the world. It stands next only to China and Japan in terms of the number of two wheelers produced and the sales of two-wheelers respectively. In the year 2005-2006, the annual production of two-wheelers in India stood at around 7600801 units. The trend of owning two-wheelers is due to a variety of facts peculiar to India. One of the chief factors is poor public transport in many parts of India. Additionally, two-wheelers offer a great deal of convenience and mobility for the Indian family. Hero Honda Motors Limited, based in Delhi, India, is the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles. Hero Honda is a joint venture that began in 1984 between the Hero Group of India and Honda of Japan. It has been the world’s biggest manufacturer of 2wheeled motorized vehicles since 2001, when it produced 1. 3 million motorbikes in a single year. Hero Honda’s Splendor is the world’s largest selling motorcycle. EVOLUTION OF TWO-WHEELER INDUSTRY IN INDIA Two-wheeler segment is one of the most important components of the automobile sector that has undergone significant changes due to shift in policy environment. The two-wheeler industry has been in existence in the country since 1955. It consists of three segments viz. scooters, motorcycles and mopeds. According to the figures published by SIAM, the share of two-wheelers in automobile sector in terms of units sold was about 80 per cent during 2003- ¬04. This high figure itself is suggestive of the importance of the sector. In the initial years, entry of firms, capacity expansion, choice of products including capacity mix and technology, all critical areas of functioning of an industry, were effectively controlled by the State machinery. The lapses in the system had invited fresh policy options that came into being in late sixties. Amongst these policies, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) and Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) were aimed at regulating monopoly and foreign investment respectively. This controlling mechanism over the industry resulted in: (a) several firms operating below minimum scale of efficiency; (b) underutilization of capacity; and (c) usage of outdated technology. Recognition of the damaging effects of licensing and fettering policies led to initiation of reforms, which ultimately took a more prominent shape with the introduction of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1985. However, the major set of reforms was launched in the year 1991 in response to the major macroeconomic crisis faced by the economy. The industrial policies shifted from a regime of regulation and tight control to a more liberalized and competitive era. Two major results of policy changes during these years in two-wheeler industry were that the, weaker players died out giving way to the new entrants and superior products and a sizeable increase in number of brands entered the market that compelled the firms to compete on the basis of product attributes. Finally, the two- ¬wheeler industry in the country has been able to witness a proliferation of brands with introduction of new technology as well as increase in number of players. However, with various policy measures undertaken in order to increase the competition, though the degree of concentration has been lessened over time, deregulation of the industry has not really resulted in higher level of competition. A GROWTH PERSPECTIVE The composition of the two-wheeler industry has witnessed sea changes in the post-reform period. In 1991, the share of scooters was about 50 per cent of the total 2-wheeler demand in the Indian market. Motorcycle and moped had been experiencing almost equal level of shares in the total number of two wheelers. In 2003-04, the share of motorcycles increased to 78 per cent of the total two-wheelers while the shares of scooters and mopeds declined to the level of 16 and 6 per cent respectively. Different scenarios have been presented based on different assumptions regarding the demand drivers of the two-wheeler industry. The demand for mopeds is not presented in this analysis due to its already shrinking status compared to’ motorcycles and scooters. The high growth rate in motorcycle segment at present will stabilize after a certain point beyond which a condition of equilibrium will set the growth path. Another important thing to keep in mind while interpreting these growth rates is that the forecast could consider the trend till 1999 and the model could not capture the recent developments that have taken place in last few years . India is the second largest producer and manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world. Indian two-wheeler industry has got spectacular growth in the last few years. Indian two-wheeler industry had a small beginning in the early 50’s. The Automobile Products of India (API) started manufacturing scooters in the country. Bikes are a major segment of Indian two wheeler industry, the other two being scooters and mopeds. Indian companies are among the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in the world. Hero Honda and Bajaj Auto are two of the Indian companies that top the list of world companies manufacturing two-wheelers. The two-wheeler market was opened to foreign companies in the mid 1980s. The openness of Indian market to foreign companies lead to the arrival of new models of two-wheelers into India. Easy availability of loans from the banks, relatively low rate of interest and the discount of prices offered by the dealers and manufacturers lead to the increasing demand for two-wheeler vehicles in India. This lead to the strong growth of Indian automobile industry. HERO HONDA Hero Honda Motors Limited, based in Delhi, India, is the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles. Hero Honda is a joint venture that began in 1984 between the Hero Group of India and Honda of Japan. It has been the world’s biggest manufacturer of 2wheeled motorized vehicles since 2001, when it produced 1. 3 million motorbikes in a single year. During the 80s, Hero Honda became the first company in India to prove that it was possible to drive a vehicle without polluting the roads. The company introduced new generation motorcycles that set industry benchmarks for fuel thrift and low emission. A legendary ‘Fill it – Shut it – Forget it’ campaign captured the imagination of commuters across India, and Hero Honda sold millions of bikes purely on the commitment of increased mileage. Over 20 million Hero Honda two wheelers tread Indian roads today. These are almost as many as the number of people in Finland, Ireland and Sweden put together! Hero Honda has consistently grown at double digits since inception; and today, every second motorcycle sold in the country is a Hero Honda. Every 30 seconds, someone in India buys Hero Honda’s top -selling motorcycle – Splendor. This festive season, the company sold half a million two wheelers in a single month—a feat unparalleled in global automotive history. Hero Honda bikes currently roll out from its three globally benchmarked manufacturing facilities. Two of these are based at Dharuhera and Gurgaon in Haryana and the third state of the art manufacturing facility was inaugurated at Haridwar, Uttrakhand in April this year. These plants together are capable of producing out 4. 4 million units per year. Hero Honda’s extensive sales and service network now spans over 3000 customer touch points. These comprise a mix of dealerships, service and spare points, spare parts stockiest and authorized representatives of dealers located across different geographies. Hero Honda values its relationship with customers. Its unique CRM initiative – Hero Honda Passport Program, one of the largest programs of this kind in the world, has over 3 million members on its roster. The program has not only helped Hero Honda understand its customers and deliver value at different price points, but has also created a loyal community of brand ambassadors. Having reached an unassailable pole position in the Indian two wheeler market, Hero Honda is constantly working towards consolidating its position in the market place. The company believes that changing demographic profile of India, increasing urbanization and the empowerment of rural India will add millions of new families to the economic mainstream. This would provide the growth ballast that would sustain Hero Honda in the years to come. As Brijmohan Lall Munjal, the Chairman, Hero Honda Motors succinctly points out, â€Å"We pioneered India’s motorcycle industry, and it’s our responsibility now to take the industry to the next level. We’ll do all it takes to reach there. † WHICH SEGMENTS ARE BEING TARGETED AND NEED TO INFLUENCE THE TARGET MARKET? Geographic Segmentation calls for division of the market into different geographical units such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities, or neighborhoods. In the South Asian context, geographic segmentation assumes importance due to variations in consumer preferences and purchase habits across different regions, across different countries, and across different states in these countries. Demographic Segmentation In Demographic Segmentation, we divide the market into groups on the basis of variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality and social class. One reason demographic variables are so popular with marketers in that they’re often associated with consumer needs and wants. Another is that they’re easy to measure. Psychographic Segmentation Psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand consumers. In psychographic segmentation, buyers are divided into different groups on the basis of psychological/personality traits, lifestyle, or values. People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic profiles. Values and lifestyles significantly affect product and brand choice of consumers. Religion has a significant influence on values and lifestyles. Market Targeting: Effective Segmentation Criteria to be useful, market segments must rate favorably on five key criteria: 1. Measurable, the size, purchasing power and characteristics of the segments can be measured. 2. Substantial, The segments are large and profitable enough to serve. A segment should be the largest possible homogenous group worth going after with a tailored marketing program. It would not pay, for example, for an automobile manufacture to develop cars for people who are less four feet tall. 3. Accessible, The segments can be effectively reached and served. Differentiable, The segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to different marketing-mix elements and programs. If married and unmarried women respond similarly to a sale on perfume, they do not constitute separate segments. Actionable, Effective programs can be formulated for attracting and serving the segments. Hero Honda is targeting at youth, Unicorn looked sportier than all the existing motorcycles in the premium segment and was pitted against Bajaj Pulsar, the leader with 75 percent market share in that segment. DIFFERENT PROMOTIONAL TOOLS USED AND THE STRATEGY BEING USING THESE TOOLS? Promotion: Above the line (ATL) is an advertising technique using mass media to promote brands. Major above-the-line techniques include TV and radio advertising, print advertising and internet banner ads. This type of communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to customers. The ATL strategy makes use of current traditional media: television, newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor, and internet. Hero Honda used Above the Line Promotion because in the Above the Line promotion co. members used advertisement through Radio, T. V. , Newspaper and Other media communications. Place: Geographical Placing: – Geographical placing of the product has divided into 4 markets and these are: 1. Local 2. National 3. Regional 4. International Hero Honda used National Market for sale the Hero Honda Splendor. Hero Honda is also planning an extensive marketing campaign with the launch, which would reflect the bike’s contemporary styling and advanced technology. The integrated marketing campaign for ZMR will include outdoor media, Web, mobile, ground activations, print and electronic media, said the company. Hero Honda Pleasure – â€Å"Why should boys have all the fun? † Isn’t that a must ride statement, that can tempt any girl to just buzz with the wind. The Hero Honda Pleasure is Hero Honda’s maiden venture into the burgeoning gear-less scooter market. The pleasure has schemed its strategies to be the best seller by concentrating much on the interest of young girls who love to rock the field of glamor, luxury and comfort. Eye catchy features: The Pleasure sports flashy colours, from Tahitian blue metallic, force silver to the ever trendy colour black. Multi-reflector headlight, body-coloured mirrors, multi-reflector indicators, trendy rear grip, modern tall light cluster, and a new age oval-shaped instrument panel all make the Pleasure a head-turner. For more comfort during the ride, the scooter is designed with broader seat that offers greater riding comfort. Capacious luggage space, has been configured which, is large enough to keep even a helmet. The Pleasure is equipped with a technology, tuff-up tube and tyre combo that offers immediate remedy in the event of a puncture, by releasing an anti-puncture sealant gel. It is capable of attaining a top speed of 77kph. Hero Honda ahead in introducing new technology. The Company has left the competition in the motorcycle segment far behind in volumes as its nearest rival, Bajaj Auto, is a distant second with a market share of around 28 per cent only. The company’s success till date relates to the timely decisions regarding introduction of new technology products. Hero Honda was the first company in India to set standards for fuel efficiency with the launch of a four-stroke motorcycle in the mid-Nineties. This decision is yielding good results even today as can be seen from an uninterrupted growth witnessed by the company in its sales turnover and profitability margins over the past several years. However, future growth in these financial parameters, to a large extent, would also depend upon the way competition gears up in the domestic motorcycle market from the local, as well as foreign players. An eye on the customer In an effort to enhance value for customers, the company has initiated the â€Å"Rs 1001 customer price† benefit program across all its models. In addition, the passport program — which entitles a customer to a Rs 1 lakh accident insurance, lucky draws, gifts against redeemable points, cash discount on consumer durables, free tickets to company sponsored events, etc. – has met with an encouraging response (it has attracted around five lakh members to date) and is expected to continue its success into the future as well. Hero Honda: A ‘passion’ for growth Hero Honda has come up with yet another year of sharp growth in financial performance. The company has developed this ability to spring a surprise in terms of outperforming expectationsThe increase in sales volume and improvement in realization have both played a role in pushing up the turnover. The change in product-mix in favour of higher value products has resulted in improved realization for the company. The growing popularity of the Passion model appears to be the key factor behind improvement in unit realization. Aided by the emphasis on indigenisation, the company has managed to achieve better operational efficiency. The positive impact of these measures is reflected in the form of lower raw material cost (in relation to sales). The company is all set to make a foray into the lower price segment of the four-stroke market. Taking into account the recent trend in performance, the company appears well positioned to retain its top position in the motor cycle market and also sustain the recent rate of growth. Hero Honda is World Leader For 2001- 02, volume up by 38 per cent ; net profit soars by 88 per cent; total turnover up by 42 per cent Achieves a high 48 per cent motorcycle market share; and 33 per cent two-wheeler market share Announces 350 per cent final dividend and 250 per cent celebration dividend (over and above special interim dividend of 250%) Over the last five years, company’s total turnover grows by a whopping 580 %; PAT by 919 % Hero Honda plans sports spectacular. Hero Honda plans to organize a sports and glamour extravaganza in the country, on the lines of the Laureus World Sports Awards currently on in Monaco , in association with the Laureus world sports for Good Foundation, the organizer of the award. Revving up to stay on top Having achieved the status of the largest two-wheeler company in the world, Hero Honda now seeks to retain that slot. The company has a large portfolio of brands, with the money-spinners being mainly Splendor (the world’s largest selling bike) and Passion. However, the company claims it was the launch of the 150cc CBZ, which established Hero Honda as an aspirational brand. â€Å"The launch of CBZ got us into a different league altogether. Celebrating its 25th year, Hero Honda released an innovative music video in the month of September. Titled â€Å"Hero Honda Dhak Dhak Go†, and involving as many as eight brand ambassadors of Hero Honda, the music video has been receiving rave reviews. WHICH STRATEGY OUT OF PUSH AND PULL IS USED AND WHY? Hero Honda is using both the strategy push as well as pull A push-pull-system in business describes the movement of a product or information between two subjects. On markets the consumers usually â€Å"pulls† the goods or information they demand for their needs, while the offerers or suppliers â€Å"pushes† them toward the consumers. Different push and pull strategies used by hero Honda: Push strategy Another meaning of the push strategy in marketing can be found in the communication between seller and buyer. In dependence of the used medium, the communication can be either interactive or non-interactive. For example, if the seller makes his promotion by television or radio, it’s not possible for the buyer to interact with. On the other hand, if the communication is made by phone or internet, the buyer has possibilities to interact with the seller. In the first case information is just â€Å"pushed† toward the buyer, while in the second case it is possible for the buyer to demand the needed information according to his requirements. Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is relatively small Production & distribution decisions are based on long term forecasts Based on past orders received from retailer’s warehouse (may lead to Bullwhip effect) Inability to meet changing demand patterns. Large and variable production batches Unacceptable service levels Excessive inventories due to the need for large safety stocks Pull strategy In a â€Å"pull† system the consumer requests the product and â€Å"pulls† it through the delivery channel. An example of this is the car manufacturing company Ford Australia. Ford Australia only produces cars when they have been ordered by the customers. Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is high Production and distribution are demand driven No inventory, response to specific orders. Point of sale (POS) data comes in handy when shared with supply chain partners Decrease in lead time Difficult to implement Key Hero Honda brands continue to drive strong volumes across segments – CD Deluxe in entry segment, Glamour, the new Splendor NXG, Splendor + and Passion Plus in deluxe segment, and Hunk, CBZ X-treme and Karizma in the premium segment. .Hero Honda’s strategy for aggressive top line growth through new product launches, brand building initiatives backed by innovative communication has resulted in market share gain across every segment. Indeed, Hero Honda’s share in domestic motorcycles market has been growing upward of 50 per cent, despite the slowdown in the two-wheeler industry â€Å"However, we will stay true to our winning strategy, and keep refreshing our product portfolio and continue to invest in brand building. CRITICAL APPRAISAL The feeling of freedom and being one with the Nature comes only from riding a two wheeler. Indians prefer the two wheelers because of their small manageable size, low maintenance, pricing and easy loan repayments. Indian streets are full of people of all age groups riding a two wheeler. Motorized two wheelers are seen as a symbol of status by the populace. Thus, in India, we would see swanky four wheels jostling with our ever reliable and sturdy steed: the two wheeler. Since the first car rolled out on the streets of Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1898, the Automobile Industry of India has come a long way. India is the second largest producer and manufacturer of two-wheelers in the world. Indian two-wheeler industry has got spectacular growth in the last few years. In India there are 7 scooter manufacturers, 9 motorcycle manufacturers, 3 moped manufacturers. Bajaj Auto, Hero Honda, TVS, etc are the leading manufacturers. HEROHONDA has been the world’s biggest manufacturer of 2-wheeled motorized vehicles since 2001, when it produced 1. 3 million motorbikes in a single year. Hero Honda’s Splendor is the world’s largest selling motorcycle. Today Hero Honda has an assembly line of nine different models of motorcycles available. It holds the record for most popular bike in the world by sales for Its Splendor model. Strategies followed by hero honda Premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, and price skimming are the four main pricing policies/strategies. They form the bases for the exercise. However there are other important approaches to pricing. Promotion: Below the Line Promotion: „Below The Line is a common technique used for touches and feel products. Those consumer items where the customer will rely on immediate information than previously researched items. Below The Line techniques ensure recall of the brand while at the same time highlighting the features of the product. ‘Honda’ was already a household name in India. Hence, rather than putting major efforts into brand building, its marketing strategy emphasized on offering innovative products at competitive prices, novel promotional campaigns and developing an extensive distribution network†¦ So at last we can say that hero Honda is having a very good promotional strategy and this is the main reason of its success. It basically focuses on its customer satisfaction and from time to time it keep on showing its creativity and innovation It â€Å"However, we will stay true to our winning strategy, and keep refreshing our product portfolio and continue to invest in brand building. â€Å"One of the key pillars of hero honda strategy has been to consistently keep introducing new, advanced products and maintaining a balanced product portfolio.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis of Act 1 Scene 1 of Measure for Measure

Act 1 Scene 1 at its most basic interpretation is encircling the thoughts and actions of three characters; the Duke, Escalus and Angelo. The reader observes the Duke of Vienna telling Escalus, an his advisor, that he is leaving the city and would like to leave Angelo in his place. Escalus agrees with the Duke's choice and Angelo is summoned. Angelo appears surprised and slightly reluctant of the Dukes offer but accepts it readily. However if the reader decides to prove deeper inside the scene, it becomes clear that the seemingly simple interpretation above conceals a more complex scenarios. Firstly the scene is set the city of Vienna in approximately 1604, the reader is made aware it is Vienna when Escalus states, ‘if any in Vienna†¦'The reader is left to wonder whether the play is set in Vienna because of it beautiful historic acitchecture or it dazzling surrounding. Or if perhaps there is a more fundamental reason such as the plays context, whether for instance the themes running rife throughout the play are so diverse and unconventional for its time, that Shakespeare feared situating it in more familiar surroundings such as England. These imminent revelations help to captivate and develop the curiosity of the reader. The language used in measure of measure is Elizabethan, formal and conventional of its time. The play is composed of words such ‘t'affect' and ‘y' are' which were frequently used during that period. The play is constructed within iambic pentameter are subsequently blank verses. The fact that the verses do not rhyme may indicate to the reader, the sincerity of the issues stirring inside the play. As in most plays, the characters within it help guide the play through its stages. Measure for Measure is not an exception. The Duke appears to be an intelligent and sensitive man who cares about the welfare of his citizens, this is emphasised utters statements such as ‘The nature of our people, Our city's institutions, and the terms For common justice†¦' and ‘ I love the people' although he seems to be dismayed by the by the decay in his city and wishes to reform it. The Duke speaks with formal, somewhat legalistic language of a ruling, noble figure. He uses the royal ‘we' and regards the citizens of Vienna â€Å"our people,† the city is â€Å"our city†. Again demonstrating his status as well as his care for his citizens. His diction is quite elegant in some places; he makes use of alliteration, stating that with his â€Å"special soul† he has chosen Angelo. The Duke also uses paradoxical terms that convey the duties of a ruler; he says he will lend Angelo both his â€Å"terror† and his â€Å"love† to rule with, showing how a ruler must be authoritarian, yet caring for his subjects. This causes the reader to ponder just why he is leaving and what drives the urgency. The Duke seems to confide earnestly in Escalus his advisor. Escalus seems to genuinely respect and look up to the Duke, along with a strong fondness towards Duke. The reader becomes increasingly aware of this throughout the scene. A classic example is when Escalus chimes ‘I'll wait upon your honour' just before the Duke's departure. As a result the reader is not sure whether Escalus agreed with the Duke's choice because of his fondness for the Duke or if hemade an objective decision and agreed. The puzzling issue is likely to befriend the reader and subsequently encourage them to read on. The reader is made aware that Escalus is an intelligent man, when to the Duke reports to Escalus, ‘since I know your own science exceeds, in that, the lists of all advice my strength can give you. Then no remains but that, to sufficiently, as your worth is able'. The reader is left to wander how substantial Escalus's role will be in the remainder of the play. Lastly we are introduced to Lord Angelo. The Duke and Escalus both seem to be immensely confident in Angelo's capabilities. Highlighted with phrases such as when Escalus states ‘ if any in Vienna be worth to undergo such ample grace and honour it is Lord Angelo' and when the Duke states to Angelo that: ‘There is a kind of character in thy life that to the' observer doth thy history fully unfold. Thyself and thy belongings are not thine own so proper as to waste thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee'. Angelo is portrayed as a young trustworthy, righteous able man. However he although he does accept the offer humbly he does express reluctantly and concern as times. For example when he pleads, ‘let there be some more test made of my mental before so noble and so great a figure be stamped upon it'. The reader cold possibly perceive this as warning to his behaviour in the rest of the pay. Angelo's righteous appearance subtley disturbs the reader; the reader is subsequen tly left to ponder whether there is something sinister under this loveable exterior. The imagery of a coin could possibly signify Angelo becoming corrupt and obsessed with money. After the reader's brief introduction to the setting, chracteters and subsequent situation the scene leaves the audience crying what next. As although it is a short scene the reader is overwhelmed with a variety of themes and potentialities. Such as the Dukes intentions. For instance why this imminent departure? Also the reason for the portayl of Angelo is it possibly to contradict his behaviour within the rest of the play. The scene could also be a breeding ground for lots of themes for instance, how power can curopt or how responsibility is handled. To summarise although Act 1 scene 1 appears docile in appearance, the volcano is bubbling with possible revelations waiting to erupt, possibly mirroring the potential pattern for the rest of the play.

Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 2

Everything was freezing confusion. Her head was under water and she was being tumbled over and over. She couldn't see, couldn't breathe, and she was completely disoriented. Then her head popped up. She automatically sucked in a huge gasp of air. Her arms were flailing but they seemed tangled in her backpack. The creek was wide here and the current was very strong. She was being swept downstream, and every other second her mouth seemed to be full of water. Reality was just one desperate, choking attempt to get enough air for the next breath. And everything was so cold. A cold that was pain, not just temperature. I'm going to die. Her mind realized this with a sort of numb certainty, but her body was stubborn. It fought almost as if it had a separate brain of its own. It struggled out of her backpack, so that the natural buoyancy of her ski jacket helped keep her head above water. It made her legs kick, trying to stand firm on the bottom. No good. The creek was only five feet deep in the center, but that was still an inch higher than Gillian's head. She was too small, too weak, and she couldn't get any kind of control over where she was going. And the cold was sapping her strength frighteningly fast. With every second her chances of surviving dropped. It was as if the creek were a monster that hated her and would never let her go. It slammed her into rocks and swept her on before her hands could get hold of the cold, smooth surfaces. And in a few minutes she was going to be too weak to keep her face above water. I have to grab something. Her body was telling her that. It was her only chance. There. Up ahead, on the left bank, a projecting spit with tree roots. She had to get to it. Kick. Kick. She hit and was almost spun past it. But somehow, she was holding on. The roots were thicker than her arms, a huge tangle like slick, icy snakes. Gillian thrust an arm through a natural loop of the roots, anchoring herself. Oh-yes; she could breathe now. But her body was still in the creek, being sucked away by the water. She had to get out-but that was impossible. She just barely had the strength to hold on; her weakened, numb muscles could never pull her up the bank. At that moment, she was filled with hatred- not for the creek, but for herself. Because she was little and weak and childish and it was going to kill her. She was going to die, and it was all happening right now, and it was real. She could never really remember what happened next. Her mind let go and there was nothing but anger and the burning need to get higher. Her legs kicked and scrambled and some dim part of her knew that each impact against the rocks and roots should have hurt. But all that mattered was the desperation that was somehow, inch by inch, getting her numb, waterlogged body out of the creek. And then she was out. She was lying on roots and snow. Her vision was dim; she was gasping, open-mouthed, for breath, but she was alive. Gillian lay there for a long time, not really aware of the cold, her entire body echoing with relief. I made it! I'll be okay now. It was only when she tried to get up that she realized how wrong she was. When she tried to stand, her legs almost folded under her. Her muscles felt like jelly. And †¦ it was cold. She was already exhausted and nearly frozen, and her soaking clothes felt as heavy as medieval armor. Her gloves were gone, lost in the creek. Her cap was gone. With every breath, she seemed to get colder, and suddenly she was racked with waves of violent shivers. Find the road †¦ I have to get to the road. But which way is it? She'd landed somewhere downstream-but where? How far away was the road now? Doesn't matter†¦ just walk away from the creek, Gillian thought slowly. It was difficult to think at all. She felt stiff and clumsy and the shivering made it hard to climb over fallen trees and branches. Her red, swollen fingers couldn't close to get handholds. I'm so cold-why can't I stop shivering? Dimly, she knew that she was in serious trouble. If she didn't get to the road-soon-she wasn't going to survive. But it was more and more difficult to call up a sense of alarm. A strange sort of apathy was coming over her. The gnarled forest seemed like something from a fairy tale. Stumbling†¦ staggering. She had no idea where she was going. Just straight ahead. That was all she could see anyway, the next dark rock protruding from the snow, the next fallen branch to get over or around. And then suddenly she was on her face. She'd fallen. It seemed to take immense effort to get up again. It's these clothes†¦ they're too heavy. I should take them off. Again, dimly, she knew that this was wrong. Her brain was being affected; she was dazed with hypothermia. But the part of her that knew this was far away, separate from her. She fought to make her numbed ringers unzip her ski jacket. Okay†¦ it's off. I can walk better now†¦ She couldn't walk better. She kept falling. She had been doing this forever, stumbling, falling, getting up. And every time it was a little harder. Her cords felt like slabs of ice on her legs. She looked at them with distant annoyance and saw that they were covered with adhering snow. Okay-maybe take those off, too? She couldn't remember how to work a zipper. She couldn't think at all anymore. The violent waves of shivering were interspersed with pauses now, and the pauses were getting longer. I guess †¦ that's good. I must not be so cold—– I just need a little rest. While the faraway part of her brain screamed uselessly in protest, Gillian sat down in the snow. She was in a small clearing. It seemed deserted-not even the footprints of a ground mouse marked the smooth white carpet around her. Above, overhanging branches formed a snowy canopy. It was a very peaceful place to die. Gillian's shivering had stopped. Which meant it was all over now. Her body couldn't warm itself by shivering any longer, and was giving up the fight. Instead, it was trying to move into hibernation. Shutting itself down, reducing breathing and heart rate, conserving the little warmth that was left. Trying to survive until help could come. Except that no help was coming. No one knew where she was. It would be hours before her dad got home or her mother was†¦ awake. And even then they wouldn't be alarmed that Gillian wasn't there. They'd assume she was with Amy. By the time anyone thought of looking for her it would be far too late. The faraway part of Gillian's mind knew all this, but it didn't matter. She had reached her physical limits-she couldn't save herself now even if she could have thought of a plan. Her hands weren't red anymore. They were blue-white. Her muscles were becoming rigid. At least she no longer felt cold. There was only a vast sense of relief at not having to move. She was so tired†¦ Her body had begun the process of dying. White mist filled her mind. She had no sense of time passing. Her metabolism was slowing to a stop. She was becoming a creature of ice, no different from any stump or rock in the frozen wilderness. I'm in trouble†¦ somebody†¦ somebody please†¦ Mom †¦ Her last thought was, it's just like going to sleep. And then, all at once, there was no rigidity, no discomfort. She felt light and calm and free-and she was floating up near the canopy of snowy boughs. How wonderful to be warm again! Really warm, as if she were filled with sunshine. Gillian laughed in pleasure. But where am I? Didn't something just happen-something bad? On the ground below her there was a huddled figure. Gillian looked at it curiously. A small girl. Almost hidden by her long pale hair, the strands already covered in fine ice. The girl's face was delicate. Pretty bone structure. But the skin was a terrible flat white-dead looking. The eyes were shut, the lashes frosty. Underneath, Gillian knew somehow, the eyes were deep violet. I get it. I remember. That's me. The realization didn't bother her. Gillian felt no connection to the huddled thing in the snow. She didn't belong to it anymore. With a mental shrug, she turned away- -and she was in a tunnel. A huge dark place, with the feeling of being vastly complicated somehow. As if space here were folded or twisted-and maybe time, too. She was rushing through it, flying. Points of light were whizzing by-who could tell how far away in the darkness? Oh, God, Gillian thought. It's the tunnel. This is happening. Right now. To me. I'm really dead. And going at warp speed. Weirder than being dead was being dead with a sense of humor. Contradictions†¦ this felt so real, more real than anything that had ever happened while she was alive. But at the same time, she had a strange sense of unreality. The edges of her self were blurred, as if somehow she were a part of the tunnel and the lights and the motion. She didn't have a distinct body anymore. Could this all be happening in my head? With that, for the first time, she felt frightened. Things in her head†¦ could be scary. What if she ran into her nightmares, the very things that her subconscious knew terrified her most? That was when she realized she had no control over where she was going. And the tunnel had changed. There was a bright light up ahead. It wasn't blue-white, as she would have expected from movies. It was pale gold, blurred as if she were seeing it through frosty glass, but still unbelievably brilliant. Isn't it supposed to feel like love or something? What it felt like-what it made her feel-was awe. The light was so big, so powerful†¦ and so Just Plain Bright. It was like looking at the beginning of the universe. And she was rushing toward it so fast-it was filling her vision. She was in it. The light encompassed her, surrounded her. Seemed to shine through her. She was flying upward through radiance like a swimmer surfacing. Then the feeling of motion faded. The light was getting less bright-or maybe her eyes were adapting to it. Shapes solidified around her. She was in a meadow. The grass was amazing- not just green, but a sort of impossible ultra green. As if lit up from inside. The sky was the same kind of impossible blue. She was wearing a thin summer dress that billowed around her. The false color made it seem like a dream. Not to mention the white columns rising at intervals from the grass, supporting nothing. So this is what happens when you die. And now†¦ now, somebody should come meet me. Grandpa Trevor? I'd like to see him walking again. But no one came. The landscape was beautiful, peaceful, unearthly-and utterly deserted. Gillian felt anxiety twisting again inside her. Wait, what if this place wasn't-the good place? After all, she hadn't been particularly good in her life. What if this were actually hell? Or †¦ limbo? Like the place all those spirits who talked to mediums must be from. Creatures from heaven wouldn't say such silly things. What if she were left here, alone, forever? As soon as she finished the thought, she wished she hadn't. This seemed to be the kind of place where thoughts-or fears-could influence reality. Wasn't that something rancid she smelled? And-weren't those voices? Fragments of sentences that seemed to come from the air around her? The kind of nonsense said by people in dreams. â€Å"So white you can't see†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"A time and a half†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"If only I could, girl†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Gillian turned around and around, trying to catch more. Trying to figure out whether or not she was really hearing the words. She had the sudden gut-trembling feeling that the beauty around her could easily come apart at the seams. Oh, God, let me think good thoughts. Please. I wish I hadn't watched so many horror movies. I don't want to see anything terrible-like the ground splitting and hands reaching for me. And I don't want anyone to meet me-looking like something rotting with bones exposed-after all. She was in trouble. Even thinking about not thinking brought up pictures. And now fear was galloping inside her, and in her mind the bright meadow was turning into a nightmare of darkness and stink and pressure and gibbering mindless things. She was terrified that at any moment she might see a change- And then she did see one. Something unmistakable. A few feet away from her, above the grass, was a sort of mist of light. It hadn't been there a moment ago. But now it seemed to get brighter as she watched, and to stretch from very far away. And there was a shape in it, coming toward her.