Saturday, August 31, 2019

Frederick Herzberg Essay

Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory, also called the motivator-hygiene theory. This theory has identifies that there are hygiene factors that can lead to job dissatisfaction but if a hygiene factor is improved it does not improve job satisfaction. Examples of these hygiene factors in the workplace are organizational policies, quality of supervision, working conditions, wage or salary, relationships with peers, relationships with subordinates, status and security. Improving one of these factors such as salary cannot make a person more satisfied with their job it just satisfies that aspect. The other half of Herzberg’s two factor theory is motivator factors, which are ways to achieve job satisfaction. Motivator factors are related to what people actually do in a day’s work. The presence or absence of these motivators changes an employee’s view of their job. Examples of these motivator factors are achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. Job dissatisfaction can result from these when they are low. But to enrich these factors will result in higher job satisfaction unlike in the hygiene factors. Essentially in order to properly motivate employees improving salaries and working conditions does not work, an employer has to improve the quality of the job, the quality of the work and the quality of the goal. In the article The Best Places to Launch a Career one can see facets of Herzberg’s two-factor theory at work with big companies trying to attract the Generation Y’ers, which make up approximately 78 million people who will be entering the workforce from 2004 to 2022. The first of course is salary. Companies have raised base salaries in order to attract prospective employees but this is not the main drawing point as shown later in the article. Higher salaries is just an example of a hygiene factor that while maintained well will continue to keep employees from becoming dissatisfied. The rest of the article addresses motivator factors. Companies have begun to appeal to the next generation of employees by â€Å"making themselves more transparent, flexible, responsive, even nurturing. † By doing this they are drawing employees of the Generation Y traits more agreeable to the motivator factor side of Herzberg’s theory. These traits being inherent in this generation such as having high expectations for their job and their peers, demanding meaningful work, wanting constructive feedback from their peers and employers, and most importantly they want to be in a position of influence. In order to address these traits the article addresses several companies that are rethinking the way they are handling this generation that does not shy away from discipline and who demand authenticity. For example, the article states that New York Life Insurance recently discovered that only 3% of corporate interns accepted positions with their company. To change this they took away all the perks and instead gave them more strict expectations, gave them business etiquette classes, and a challenge to brainstorm new marketing strategies for the company which was later used in a advertising campaign. When New York Life changed its strategy they incorporated the motivating factors such as giving more meaningful work, responsibly, and recognition through the brainstorming for the company, growth through etiquette classes, and an all over enrichment of the job and their personal careers. Another example is JPMorgan Chase & Company is changing how it attracts prospective Gen Y employees. Rather than flash money signs and bonus amounts as incentives, they are giving a more realistic view of what it means to be employed with the company. To do this, the article states, that they allowed a New York University film grad to follow three fellow Generation Y employees though their days at work in a documentary style film. The result being that prospective employees will have a realistic view of duties and the work that goes into obtaining the annual bonus. Yet again appealing to the motivation factor of the two-factor theory but not completely ignoring the importance of the hygiene factors. In summation, the article addresses that the Generation Y does not want just money or perks such as free lunches and on-site massages like Google Inc. offers but they want a chance to grow, a chance to achieve, a chance to do something meaningful and accept all the responsibility that comes with it. Google appeals to this aspect by giving employees one day a week to brainstorm new ideas for the company. Herzberg’s two-factor theory, while being debated by scholars on its merits because of its difficulty to be verifiable through additional research, seems to be a very viable theory that can in one way or another be applied to any work place and results of more satisfied employees will be seen. Herzberg said it all when he said â€Å"If you want people to do a good job, give them a good job to do. † Reinforcement theory defined by the textbook is the administration of consequence as a result of behavior. Therefore if you want a behavior to continue you positively enforce it by giving positive rewards or if you want a negative behavior to stop you administer a negative consequence. By using reinforcement strategies people can be taught a behavior or have a behavior enforced through classical conditioning by associating a behavior with a desired result. These strategies include positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the administration of positive consequences that tend to increase the likelihood of repeating the desirable behavior in a similar setting. In this is the law of contingent reinforcement that states for a reward to have maximum reinforcing value, it must only be delivered if the desired behavior is exhibited. Rewards can be given either continuously or intermittently and both have different results in changing a behavior. Continuous reinforcement teaches what behavior is desired more quickly than intermittent reinforcement but behaviors under intermittent reinforcement are lasts longer. Negative reinforcement is the withdrawal of negative consequences, which tends to increase the likelihood of repeating the behavior in a similar setting. Essentially behavior is reinforced by not receiving the punishment or avoiding a negative consequence. Punishment reduces the likelihood of a person repeating the behavior but the punishment has to fit the negative behavior. Arbitrary punishment can lead to dissatisfaction in a person and therefore just increase low performance. Extinction is the withdrawal of reinforcing consequences of a given behavior resulting in the frequency of the behavior being reduced. The article RAZR’S edge is wholly an example of reinforcement theory. A team of 20 or so people secretly toils on a new phone that will be a high end toy for the rich and ends up making a blockbuster phone that is so slim it redefines phone size for an entire industry. The resulting phone ended up being huge mass market phone that sold over 50 million units in approximately two years. The team members were then asked to appear at a meeting at company headquarters where they received not only a natural reward in the form of a standing ovation but were rewarded with a large amount of stock options. Therefore the team members were positively rewarded with a contrived reward of stocks for a job well done. In breaking the article down, one can also see some other examples of positive consequences for behavior at Motorola. The first example being Motorola’s Geoffrey Frost, credited with coming up with the marketing campaign â€Å"Hello Moto† and bringing the company back into good standing with consumers being promoted to executive vice president. His hard work was rewarded with a contrived reward of higher pay and position in the company as well as natural rewards of compliments, special projects, and recognition. The second example in the article is the team leader Jellicoe who had previously worked on another successful phone being given a special project to create the thinnest phone and to do it in a restricted time frame. He was positively rewarded for a previous job well done with a natural reward of being given a special project to work on. He was also rewarded by being able to assemble his own team to work on this new project and was given autonomy to work on the project in secret from the rest of the company. The third example of positive reinforcement in the article is the team that was assembled to design the phone. It was a team of 20 engineers who had shown talent before in other projects. These engineers received a natural reward for jobs well done in the past and for continually exhibiting behaviors such as creativity and the ability to continue to innovate at Motorola by being asked to be on this special project where they would have the liberty to completely redesign a phone that would change the phone market at the time. The fourth example of positive reinforcement is when Jellicoe sets up a competition among five of the engineers with who can come up with the best design to solve a technical challenge with a design complication. The result being Tadd Scarpelli coming up with the best solution to the problem and his reward being that his design was the one used for the phone as well as the recognition for a problem well solved, therefore reinforcing the positive behavior of thinking critically and being creative. The article RAZR’S edge is wholly a look at positive reinforcement in the form of both natural and contrived rewards for a team who made the seemingly impossible. But when broken down there are many examples of how past behaviors were rewarded with special jobs, recognition, and compensation. As the article says, Scarpelli to this day still approaches strangers and asks them if they like â€Å"his† phone which seems to be the ultimate reward. According to the textbook, expectancy theory argues that work motivation is determined by individual beliefs regarding effort/performance relationships and work outcomes. Breaking this theory down is that people will do what they can do when they want to do it. There are three factors that go into expectancy theory. Netflix through has set its company up to create an environment where when expectancy theory comes into play it has a high value on its ability to obtain, retain, and motivate its employees to keep innovating new strategies in order to keep it number one in on-line movie rentals. The first factor being expectancy, which is the probability that work effort will be followed by performance accomplishment. Essentially this will have a higher value the more a person is certain that the level of performance expected can be achieved. The second is instrumentality which is the probability that performance will lead to various work outcomes. This second factor like the first is given a number the higher the number the more certain the person is that an achievement will receive various outcomes. The last is valence which is the value to the individual of various work outcomes. This factor is also given a value the higher the value the more desirable the outcome is to the person. When these three are set up as an equation where motivation equals expectancy times instrumentality times valence as factors approach a zero value the less motivational appeal there is to do a certain task. When reading the article Netflix: Flex to the Max one can use expectancy theory to explain the success Netflix has had motivating its employees. First and foremost are the expectations and goals set by the founder Reed Hastings. He clearly states what he wants from his employees such as hard work, high performance, uniting them on one focused goal, and giving them the freedom to achieve it. He hires the best of the best and will immediately let them go if performance is not excellent. By setting clear goals that each individual is certain that the level of performance expected can be achieved there is a high value in an individual’s expectancy factor. At Netflix an individual’s instrumentality value will also be high as once the performance is achieved the various outcomes are desirable. Secondly, Hastings offers employees high salaries, unlimited vacations, and freedom to create their own compensation packages. The third part of the equation, being valence, will also be high for an individual at Netflix. Working for a company that not only gives them the freedom to work on their own schedule while expecting excellence but encourages them to hire three people they loved working with which creates a better workplace for all employees. While this places a positive value on why valance is high for an individual at Netflix, a negative one is that if one doesn’t live up to expectations they are swiftly shown the door. Therefore, wanting a positive outcome is more desirable in order to stay at a company that pays well and expects excellence but gives large amounts of freedom. When all these factors in expectancy theory are so well laid out from clearly set goals, which have to be attained in order to maintain the various outcomes that range from unlimited vacation to major stock options, and the desirability to make Netflix a great work environment by bringing in people one wants to work with again. Motivation with all of these factors in place is high and the motivation to continue to be employed there is higher therefore Netflix is becoming more successful in retaining the types of employees it needs to stay ahead in the on-line movie rental business. The textbook defines the self-concept as the view individuals have of themselves as physical, social, spiritual or moral beings. The self-concept in humans embodies several different aspects such as personality traits, values, attitudes and believes, and behavior. In order to change the self-concept there are several steps that need to be accomplished for an overall change. First being self examination, which is a self evaluation to isolate discrepancies in one’s self-concept and then having the desire to work on changing them. The second step being a self expectation where one sets goals for themselves and places the according demands in order to reach these goals. Third, is self-direction which is taking responsibility for oneself by monitoring and adjusting through insight and growth. Lastly, is self-realization where one has reached the full potential, are willing to take risks, and will venture out to make new opportunities. When looking at General Electric’s methods for training their leaders it shows that they realize self-concept is important and that it is not easy to change and develop. Recognizing and evaluating leadership capability on day one of employment is a new concept that they are working with also because they believe in changing and nurturing leaders earlier will create a larger pool of talented people that can only improve the company. It is because of these two important realizations that GE funds its Crotonville facility. It is from this facility that its future leaders are molded, strengthened and trained. This campus while expensive is funded through good times and bad because of their belief that human capital is the most important thing they can keep working on. Not only because helping people learn to change their self-concept to make them the best leader possible but because, as the article states, companies that provide people with opportunities to learn and grow become talent magnets. Another practice that GE has that helps develop the self-concept besides its training facility is that they believe changing up job assignments allows people to hone and discover new talents instead of just assigning them at what they are good at. Therefore, they get more well-rounded leaders, managers, and workers. For example, the article gives John Dineen who is in Erie, Pa. There he is learning many facets of the company, such as, how to deal with customers, labor negotiations, and the companies supply chain, Dineen is learning through GE’s idea that feedback is key so employees learn how they have performed and then mentor, support and train their employees to help them improve key skills. The article also points out that while you can try to coerce people into doing what a company wants by firing and demoting it just does not work in this day and age. General Electric’s programs for training and improving its future leaders is very much about changing and working with self-concept. In the self-examination step, they evaluate employees early to recognize what behaviors they have as good and which ones need to be honed. Then employees accept not only feedback but mentoring, a trip to Crotonville for extensive training and courses in making them the best leaders possible. They set goals in order to work on what is weak not improve what is good. GE recognizes the importance of giving people a chance to change and work on their lesser traits rather than reinforce already strong ones. Well-rounded employees that can think on their feet take risks, and will venture out to try new jobs and ideas, are what makes GE’s program so great. GE is not just training employees but creating strong confident talented leaders who can take on anything even if it is to be a leader in another company. The relationship between satisfaction, performance and rewards can be described in three arguments. One argument is that satisfaction causes performance which is if job satisfaction causes high levels of performance, he answer is to increase employees’ work performance to make them happy. Another argument is that performance causes satisfaction which is that if high levels of performance cause job satisfaction, the answer is to give attention to helping people achieve high performance and then job satisfaction would be high as well. The hitch in this argument is that if job performance is high but an individual feels that the reward is not equal to performance then job s atisfaction will not continue to be high. The third argument is rewards cause both satisfaction and performance. This argument states that properly rewarding employees can positively influence both performance and satisfaction. I personally believe the best overall argument is the last one, that rewards cause both satisfaction and performance. The average person does not go to a job thinking if I do my best today the reward will be greater satisfaction at the work place but I go to work for the money. While performing well may equal satisfaction on a personal level if the job well done is not recognized by a reward people become discouraged, even if the only reward is a raise. In accordance with Herzberg’s two-factor theory rewards also may not be monetary but a new job assignment or more freedom to move about in a job unsupervised can be a reward as well. Knowing that you are trusted to do a job well done can be extremely rewarding. Therefore rewards cause satisfaction and job performance. Netflix has the best example of rewards causing both satisfaction and performance. While Netflix gives rewards more upfront than most companies the incentive to keep these rewards by hard work and above average performance. For a Netflix employee high salaries, unlimited vacation, freedom to get the work done and do the job you were hired to do because you are good at it are all rewards. They realize if job performance does not live up to expectations they will be shown the door. The employees of Netflix have great amounts of job satisfaction because they realize that it is a great place to work because of the rewards they receive for doing the job they were hired to do exceptionally well. Also shown in the article The Best Places to Launch a Career attracting Generation Y employees is based on the argument rewards cause both performance and satisfaction. The article touches on the fact that Generation Y does not just want to come to work, do the job, and go home. They want an opportunity to work hard, have new assignments, develop themselves and have a chance to advance in the work place. All of these being rewards to cause high performance and satisfaction. In the article Dan Black states â€Å"If you don’t make an effort to provide and environment in which this generation can do their best, they’re going to find one where they can. If a job is done well by an employee they may feel personal satisfaction but that can only be for so long before they begin looking for the benefit of their hard work. Even in a volunteer position the reward is free, it is seeing the benefit of your work reflected in others. Volunteers feel personal satisfaction of where they volunteer and perform well because the reward is high. If there was n o reward to volunteering people would be less inclined to do it. All of these points continue to cause me to believe that rewards cause both satisfaction and performance. Without being rewarded whether it be monetary or just seeing the benefit of a job well done in a volunteer aspect people will discontinue to be satisfied in the area they are working in and performance will slack. The age old question of â€Å"what’s in it for me? † says it all. No one does anything without personal benefit. Without reward what would be the point of performing well, without reward nothing would be satisfying, and without performance and satisfaction a firm could only produce poor quality work.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Central Cogenital Hypoventilation Syndrome

Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome What is CCHS? Many people around the world stop breathing when they go to sleep. Why? It’s because they have a syndrome called Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome or Ondine’s Curse. What is this? Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare syndrome, present from birth, and is defined as the failure of automatic control of breathing.. Some may only have apnea when asleep, but in some severe cases they may experience apnea while awake.About 300 children worldwide have this syndrome. History: In a French folktale, a nymph named Ondine was a water goddess. Like all nymphs and mermaids, if they was to fall in love with a mortal and bears his child, then they would age like a mortal. Meaning they would lose their everlasting beauty. Ondine ends falling in love with a mortal, and a year into the marriage, she bears a son. Then Ondine finds out that the mortal has been unfaithful with his former fiance. Ondine puts a curse on him, saying for so long he is wake, he shall breathe.But if he shall ever fall into sleep, breathe will desert him. This is where the name Ondine’s curse is from. Causes: CCHS is caused by mutations of the PHOX2B gene. The PHOX2B gene provided instructions for making a protein that acts early in development to help promote the formation of nerve cells and regulate the process by which the neurons mature to carry out specific functions. 90 percent of cases of CCHS result from new mutations in the PHOX2B gene. Children who have CCHS there is no history in their family of this syndrome.CCHS is exhibited typically as a congenital disorder, but in rare can result from severe brain or spinal trauma, which can result from automobile accident, stroke or as a complication of neurosurgery. In one case a woman was diagnosed with CCHS because of her chronic alcoholism. Symptoms: Some symptoms that victims may experience are: shallow breathing, night apnea, brain damage, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, acidosis, and dysphagia. It may cause hirschsprung disease or neuroblastoma.Hypoxemia is an abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the blood. Hypercapnia is the physical condition of having the presence of an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide in the circulating blood. Acidosis is an excessively acid condition of the body fluids or tissues. Dysphagia is condition in which swallowing is difficult or painful. Hirschsprung disease involves an enlargement of the colon, caused by bowel obstruction. Neuroblastoma is a malignant tumor composed of neuroblasts, most commonly in the adrenal gland Treatment:If an infant is suspected to have CCHS a sleep study is ordered and performed to determine how server the breathing difficulty is. Cardiac and neurological examinations are done to rule out any other type of disorder. Early diagnosis is prominent because if not caught the infant’s oxygen level will keep decrease until the child cannot breathe on their own. One diagnosed the child will either be on a respirator (ventilator) while asleep or other may be on the respirator for 24 hours day. To use the respirator individuals will have to have a tracheotomy performed.Tracheotomy is a surgical operation that creates an opening into the trachea with a tube inserted to provide a passage for air. Some infants may have a surgical implant in the diaphragm muscle can allow electrical stimulation of the muscle to control breathing. Mistakes are made: Many children are diagnosed with a different disease or syndrome when they actually have CCHS. Infants with CCHS may be mistakenly thought to have heart defects. Some infants that have unrecognized CCHS may die and be thought to have SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.Children with CCHS: Children with CCHS can live a normal life. They can go to school, go out with friends, or hang out with family just like other kids. The only real precaution children with CCHS has to be supervised while there i n the bathtub or pool. They may â€Å"forget† to breathe while underwater. This may cause them to breathe in some water. Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome is a lifelong syndrome. If children with CCHS is treated right their life expectancy will not be alter. They can live a full healthy life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Online Relationships

Online Relationships Cyberspace relationships have the advantages of time, distance depletion, and fantasy abilities (Suler). Internet users can take on different identities or take part in fantasy games. They can become someone else. James Katz and Philip Aspen report that the Internet is a place to make friends and stay in touch with far away relatives (Stoll). It makes distance disappear. Also, online a person is given time before they must respond to the other person (Suler).They are given the opportunity to better articulate themselves in writing. It is also possible to store conversations with friends on-line (Suler). Sometimes face to face relationships are hard to make. It’s easier for a shy or awkwardly social person to use the internet to make friends. With all of these social advantages, why are there still many lonely Internet users? â€Å"Paradoxically, the Internet is a social technology used for communication, yet it results in declining social involvement and psychological well-being† (Stoll).There is a large gap between people we can touch and people we can onl†¦ heheheheheh eheh jajb ladjbas hbdfhS HDFBASUB LBFHAB SBDFLABSH CLABHK SCVBKBVKHS FVERBVKDSBFU NVA ;V ASK;VAS GBKV RHK VKJ VUIBKJ; SKJVB; V;KEVKJERVIUOVUER HA HA HA HA HA HA AHA HAHA HA A HAHA AHAHA AHJAH AHA AHA A AHAH A AHA A A HA AHA AH AHAHAA HA A AHA HA AHAH KG GTJT NENE EJSD S SMS DC KJFJ G GKGNMF SDN SNSNKSKSW SWKE EKOEOKE W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WE

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Using internet newsgroups for online market research Paper

Using internet newsgroups for online market - Research Paper Example It is also through these groups that I will be able to relay information about how easy and convenient it is to access my boots. Being an active member in forums and contributing to important topics will play a major role in establishing links and good relationships. Through discussions and frequently asked questions, I will be able to know people’s likes and preferences as well as the challenges they encounter trying to access business services. This way, I will have the ability to adopt the best marketing strategies that are more appealing to the people and that are likely to increase sales. There are discussion groups that will allow me to advertise my products. This will give me an opportunity to attract potential buyers specifically by insisting on affordability and comfort of my boots. There are various ethical principles that I might violate if I use messages from newsgroups however much it may be difficult to distinguish private space from public space on the internet. For instance, I might violate the principle of ownership. Collecting information and claiming false ownership is unethical. The principle of acquisition might also be violated. Acquiring and using information without the owner’s consent is unethical. Another principle is the principle of identity. Providing false identity so as to acquire permission to use information is ethically inappropriate. The principle of accountability might also be at stake. A person is expected to be accountable for any situation that may arise as a result of using message that he/she did not publish (Josephson, 2010). In my view, there is no ethical problem in using newsgroups for marketing purposes or using messages from discussion forums. According to me, ethical problems are only applicable in most internet related activities if content is used for the wrong reasons such as

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Industry Readiness for Going Global 1 Assignment

Industry Readiness for Going Global 1 - Assignment Example According to the Ft reporters, the United States of America auto mobile industry went from a boom to a low after the 2007/2008 economic crisis (Ft Reporters 2013). This is so since the automobiles sales from the United States of America industry fell to a record less than nine million from a high 16 million in 2005. However, after economic policies were adopted by the government the industry is slowly getting back to its feet (Lorenzo 2011). As one can see in both 2009 and 2012 China is the highest producer of vehicles in the international market. It is then followed by Japan. One notices that in the year 2009 the number of vehicles produced was low (OICA (2013). This can be attributed to the financial crisis of 2007/2008 which affected almost all players in the industry. However one notices that the USA and Germany were affected the most concluding that the crisis affected the industry most in Europe and the USA. However by looking at the statistics in 2012, the industry in the United States is recovering and shows promise of increasing in its sales and production in the futures. From the charts above, it is within reason that the key companies in the industry in the automobile industry are Volkswagen, Toyota, Hyundai and GM. However, there are other companies rising fast. Such companies include Nissan, ford and KIA. Key competitors as derived from the statistics include China, USA, Japan and Germany. Compared to its competitors, the USA automobile has various factors that give the industry an upper hand when competing with other industries in the international market. Government support is heavy in the USA unlike in other countries since the government offers loans to automobile companies. For instance, companies such as ford were lifted out of the economic crisis as a result of incentives from the government. Another advantage the USA has is that most of the citizens are loyal to home brands thus a huge

Whether Gill Can Claim the Flat Under Implied Trust Essay

Whether Gill Can Claim the Flat Under Implied Trust - Essay Example The remedy to these issues lies in the law of Property. The law provides for rights over property. Those rights are legal and equitable rights. Trust creates equitable rights. Common law recognizes legal rights. Equitable rights are also enforceable in common law but they are enforceable in personam, i.e. they are enforceable against only a particular person i.e. particular trustee. Whereas legal rights on the property are rights in rem, which are enforceable against anyone. The statute classifies the interest in the property as commercial and family interest. The commercial interest in property is derived generally by buying and selling of the property, such transaction is registered under the law thereby creates legal right over the property. The family interest is the equitable interest like life interest in the property such interest is created by family settlements or formal testimonies like will. The Law of Property Act, 1925 provides for Co-ownership. When two or more persons hold interests in a property their ownership over the property is said to be co-ownership and each of them is called tenants. The term tenant used in this statute differs from that used in the lease. Under the co-ownership, each tenant has the right to live on or share in the property during his or her lifetime. This co-ownership is of two types - Joint Tenancy and Tenancy in common. In case of death of any of co-owners his/her interest is devolved to the surviving tenant. In joint tenancy, the ownership of the property is retained upon all tenants as single ownership. They are not entitled to devolve their share in the property by will but the law permits to dispose of it during a lifetime.

Monday, August 26, 2019

HR project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

HR project - Essay Example St. Lukes Medical Center (SLMC) is located in the Philippines and has provided high-quality healthcare for over a century. Founded in 1903, its mission is to provide outstanding out-patient care. Today it is the foremost and most admired hospital in the Philippines and an acknowledged leader in Asia. (SLMC About Us 2009 par. 1) To deliver excellent healthcare through caring and highly competent professionals, utilizing world-class technology and research. This we shall do in the most financially viable way without losing sight of our primary purpose - to be of service to God and mankind. As defined, a mission statement is a â€Å"written declaration of a firms core purpose and focus which normally remain unchanged. Properly crafted mission statements (1) serve as filters to separate what is important from what is not, (2) clearly state which markets will be served and how, and (3) communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organization.† (Business Dictionary 2009). Using the definition, the abovementioned mission statement only mentioned the organization’s core purpose and focus which is very general in nature. Although it clearly identified what the organization considers of primary importance (delivery of excellent health care), there was no mention of target markets that the organization purports to serve and how. However, the third element, communicate a sense of direction, was also clearly emphasized by stating that â€Å"this we shall do in the most financially viable way without losing sight† of its primary purpose which is to be of service to God and mankind. Overall, I think this mission statement clearly identifies what the organization wants to accomplish which will remain unchanged for the span of its business life. But since there was no mention of its market, it can still be improved by including â€Å"to deliver excellent healthcare to individuals with various health dilemmas in all age brackets through

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Organizational Culture - Essay Example As such, to establish an organizational culture that embodies the goals of the firm, one would first ensure that there is an effectively designed mission and vision statement, as well as corporate values that would provide the theoretical framework for the kind of organizational culture that one envisions to create. If an organization is to pull together toward common goals, the members must trust one another and work in unison as a cohesive and collaborative group. Openness of information about what is happening to the company and within the company is essential. The lack of information about what is happening demoralizes people. The organizational culture should inspire cooperation and teamwork, from top to bottom, within the work setting. To shape such values, the leader has first to find those values within himself. He must supply the moral leadership in the company, preferably utilizing transformational leadership style and strategies to bring about the kind of organizational culture where people identify their interests with that of the corporation, to find dignity and satisfaction in their work, and with consequent effects on increased productivity, morale and pride in being part of the company. Given this premise, when one is in a leadership position, the kind of organizational culture that one will create would contain the necessary ingredients for manifesting a strong corporate culture, such as: (1) a widely shared philosophy; (2) a concern for individuals; (3) a recognition of heroes; (4) a belief in ritual and ceremony; (5) a well understood sense of the informal rules and expectations; and (6) a belief that what employees do is important to others (Deal and Kennedy 3-85). This information is likely consistent with those elements provided in the course notes that emphasize strong cultures where â€Å"organization’s core values are both intensely held and widely shared† (Organizational Culture 3). As such,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Relationship beween the local and the global for international Essay

Relationship beween the local and the global for international marketing, evaluate Jean Baudrillard's claim that comtempory cons - Essay Example Following Marshall McLuhan’s interpretation of the structural power of technology to transform societies, one aspect of the introduction of international values into indigenous cultural systems is a change in value systems locally. This relates to what was described before as budget and agenda. Mass-market channels such as TV with its commercial-driven business model may not be a medium through which indigenous voices are traditionally heard or their values represented in the programming. There must be recognition of â€Å"planes of locality† and also the relative nature of minority status for cultures. For example, each nation-state may have a vibrant local media with a wide distribution of networks and local programming in native languages. Multinational corporations may translate their products and advertising campaigns easily to introduce new products into the local markets, and make available the resources in the company to hire local talent for this goal. Indigeno us minorities within the developing States may have a different plane of locality than the national media, and become a type of sub-minority when considered internationally. These traditional indigenous societies and their cultural views may become lost, ignored, and extinct, as in tribal cultures across the world in the 20th Century when confronted with the overpowering commercial messages of mass-media and social programming through advertising. In this manner it is important to understand how a nation like Brazil, China, Korea, or Indonesia may have various degrees of locality with reference to national media but also indigenous minorities within the larger polity. The national culture may compete in a â€Å"minority status† on the word stage, and struggle to have its national voice heard within the larger international dialog. At the same time, these nations may experience â€Å"one way† communication with the West in mass-communication, with the continual introduc tion of â€Å"Western† values but may be similarly unable to influence the dialog by being able to respond reciprocally. Smaller countries may have more difficulty competing internationally against established multinationals in the West, and this relates not only to production and distribution but also marketing and advertising. The internet is a great leveling force against the centralization inherent in mass-media communication channels, but it also leads to a fragmentation of locality and a smoothing of the plane of locality internationally, which fuels globalization’s spread. What â€Å"the mall† represents to local European culture, in contrast to the ancient history and vibrant traditions of open markets, small businesses, and independent bookshops or cafes, is fundamentally similar to what globalization offers on a mass-scale to every culture worldwide, namely the same homogenization of values and simulated model of reality as the mall. Indeed, in develop ing countries with swiftly expanding â€Å"middle classes† such as India, China, Brazil, Korea, etc. the mall appears locally on the same model as in France or America forty years ago, and offers the same promise of homogenization and hegemony to indigenous cultures. The mall provides the fashions, styles, and intellectual ‘products’ for the middle class, and all of the prices are targeted to the salary scale of the office and factory worker hierarchies. The products in the mall are usually

Friday, August 23, 2019

Review about Orientalism by Edward Said Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

About Orientalism by Edward Said - Movie Review Example In the video, Said makes several points about the way our opinions as Westerners about the East are incorrect. The first point he makes is that we as Westerners tend to think of the East as having a single identity. Whether the individual in question is from Egypt, Palestine, Iraq or India, we tend to think of them all as existing under the same identity. Said makes this point by showing a map that has an overlay of three different men, each wearing a different traditional outfit and each associated with a different region of what we consider the ‘East’. Even though these people were obviously very different, the graphic has these images come together so that they are all stacked on top of each other. While it may be common for us to try to blend these people together under a single identity, the graphic keeps this error clear by not allowing the shapes to blend so that they look awkward and incorrect. This identity Westerners have created is relatively well-defined and has very little in common with the reality. This idea is based on ancient conceptions of the East and idealized images provided through centuries of artistic expression. As Said points out, most of the information distributed about the East was information that all referred back to a single source. That single source had given a very limited view of what he understood about a very small segment of the East. In keeping with our ideas that the men of the East are all the same, there is also an idea among Westerners that the women of the East are essentially non-people. Constantly depicted wearing silks and seductive clothing when inside or being completely covered when outside, these women are shown to be nothing more than the toys of the men in depictions in the West. This is pointed out by Said at several points during the video. In the West, we were given the impression that these women are

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Puritans, Max Weber Essay Example for Free

Puritans, Max Weber Essay 1.Explain: Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England. Puritans were people who wanted to get rid of things that were not stated by Jesus Christ or by the Bible. They rejected decisions and traditions established by the Church (i.e. people). Examples: paintings of God and Jesus, rich ornaments and dà ©cor, hierarchy in Church, selling pardons. They also thought that the temples should be smaller and not so monumental. Puritans’ beliefs were a threat to the hierarchy and wealth of the English Church, so they were persecuted and unwelcome in there. They had to look for a place they could live the way they wanted. 2.Describe the Puritans who set sail to America in 1620. Majority of Puritans who set sail to America on Mayflower in 1620 was well-educated and belonged to upper middle class (they were rather rich). Those people couldn’t worship God according to their beliefs because their religion was a threat to the Church of England. Puritans were constantly persecuted and they left to Netherlands, and then to Virginia in Noth America. Their trip resembled Exodus to the promised land. Puritans called themselves Pilgrims, because it was a pilgrimage to the new world where they hoped to be free and to establish the Church there. 3.The literary genres Puritans practiced and did not practice. 4.Explain the notion of predestination and how Puritans shaped they lives according to it. Puritans believed that they don’t have any influence on whether they will go to heaven or to hell. They believe that God knows it before they are born and they can do nothing about it. (There is a paradox of free-will - although one may be a good person, he/she can still go to hell.) God may change his mind, but people cannot do anything. For Puritans, the fact that someone is rich and successful means that this person may be predestined, so they work even harder and look for success, hoping that maybe this would be a sign of their predestination. 5.What biblical events did the first Puritans in America draw parallels to? Puritans considered themselves to be like pilgrims to the Promised Land, like Jews running from Egypt to Israel. As they wanted to establish a Church they considered it to be a mission. 6.How did Max Weber compare Protestants and Catholics in terms of the notions of hard work and calling? According to Max Weber, Catholics believe that the hard work is their way to salvation. People have to work hard to be good people. Protestants, on the other hand, believe that they should work hard because it is their duty, as this is God’s will and it is useful for the whole country and society. For them it a kind of vocation. Every Protestant feels the vocation to work and to worship God (Everyone has his own mission in life – there have to be poor farmers and rich lawyers – this is God’s will and it is completely normal.) In case of Catholicism, only priests feel the vocation to serve God. 7.Explain how Max Weber analyzed in his discussion of Protestant ethics the notions of work, investment, charity, waste. Work– every Puritan has a vocation to work. It is a duty and God’s will. Work is useful for the whole society; thanks to work we make our community better. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will† Investment  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ If someone has money and is successful in business, it means that he is in God’s favor. Money should be multiplied not wasted and spent on unimportant things as luxuries and amusement. Charity– if someone needs charity it means that he is a beggar. If someone doesn’t work – he sins and offends God, as it is a duty to work. Supporting charity means supporting offending God. WASTE – waste of time is the worst and the deadliest sin. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will† – only hard work praises God an d any other activity is a waste. 8.What did a Puritan sermon look like (use in particular Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God). In the 18th and 19th centuries during the Great Awakening, major sermons were made at revivals, which were especially popular in the United States. These sermons were noted for their fire-and-brimstone message, typified by Jonathan Edwardss famous Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God speech. In these sermons the wrath of God was clearly one to be afraid of, although fear was not the message Edwards was trying to convey in his sermons, he was simply trying to tell the people that they could be forgiven for their sins. It combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of scripture.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Board Game Essay Example for Free

Board Game Essay Introduction Board games used for a number of educational purposes, as have been proven to help stimulate the minds of children in a fun and informative way. Learning things like conservation of energy, mathematical operations can be difficult for young children, usually depending on their age and the amount of attention they have received on the object. It has also been long proven that most children have a better time learning skills when they are presented in a fun, interactive format, and giving educational math board games on which to make their stand. Sci Damaths ( Sci = Science, Dama = Pinoy game checker board, maths = mathematics) is one such board game which helps children to easily begin to master the skills of basic math and energy conservation. The game plays out across a table, much like Pinoy typical game DAMA . There are 24 chips in each set of the game, which come in editions for each basic math science skill. Some set focus on addition, while others help players learn their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills. The easy format helps any player to adapt quickly to the game and with a fun, slightly competitive atmosphere; the learning aspect of the game may even go entirely unseen. Sci Damaths can help children learn how to complete their math and science skills more quickly. This teaches children to think fast, trying to encourage them to learn how to complete the skills within a short time limit. However, players must be careful about the game, for if they end up with accumulated score in any turn. This game is incredibly popular, as it encourages quick thinking in an easy to learn, fun setting, and many children have greatly benefited from playing with it. Sci Damaths is a great example of a game that gives children the chance to learn a number of basic math science skills and the order of operations potentially without them even realizing it. Racing across a board made of different numbers, the players try to correctly solve variations. However, the game is not as simple as just taking chips by solving variations, for other players have the chance to either steal or swap chips, helping to complete their own and control another. This game raises the level of challenge, making the game excited, tough experience for any players participating. With such an exciting environment provided by the game, it is no wonder that Sci-Damaths game help players to learn their techniques so quickly. Teaching math and science to young children has never been easier or more enjoyable. Sci-damaths is a Mathematical board game invented by five time national awardee Jesus L. Huenda. It is coined from the Filipino checker board game â€Å"Dama†. It started in Sorsogon national High School. There were series of National Sci-Damaths competition sponsored by DepEd and other private firm. Sci-Damaths is a game designed for elementary pupils and high school students. It is a game of mind, which is governed by the moves of the players. It characterized a mental competition between two opposing players where the one with an alert mind and strength to achieve something, wins this battle of minds. It is a board game played by two players, with one player having 12 chips and the other player having 12 chips have individual uniqueness and can move only in a specific way. The decisive objective of the game Sci-Dama is to build up lesser points and for Damath game is to accumulate greater points. HOW TO PLAY SCI-DAMATHS? 1. Prepare the following: a. Sci- dama board for science and damath board for mathematics b. 24 chips C. Scoresheet SCI- DAMATHS SCORESHEET Player : ________________________ Win:_______ Lose: _______ c. calculator ( optional) d. arbiter/teacher 2. Set the position of the chips according to the level of the game. Damath MATHEMATICS Counting Damaths Whole Damaths Fraction Damaths Integer Damaths Rational Damaths Radical Damaths Polynomial Damaths Binary Damathan Sci Dama SCIENCE Water patrol Dama Power patrol sci dama Electro sci dama Dama Sci notation THI Sci Dama Thermo Sci Dama 3. Fill up the score sheet. SCI DAMATHS SCORESHEET 4. Follow the sci- damaths rules. RULES OF THE SCI DAMATHS TO BEGIN THE GAME†¦ 1. Toss a chip/coin to decide who move first. 2. The two players alternately take turn in moving a piece. ( Pass is not allowed) 3. Touch move shall be observed in the game. A player who touches a chip is required to move unless it is illegal to do so. 4. After making a move, a player shall record his move in one score sheet only. 5. Only one score sheet will be used by the two players in a game. 6. Each player is only allowed one minute to move including the recording. However in taking or capturing the chip or chips one minute rule will not use. 7. A warning is given to player by the arbiter if no move is made after one minute, and consequently, he is forced to move a chip. 8. Continuous violation of this rule # 7 will disqualify the player even if he is leading in the score sheet at the time of the violation, 4th violation means disqualification. 9. All moves should be in the forward direction except taking a chip ( forward or backward) or if a chip is already a dama. 10. A chip is declared a â€Å"dama† if it reaches and stops terminally in any of the following squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0) (5,0) ( 7,0)similarly , the opposing player’s chip is declared a ‘dama† if it reaches and stops terminally in any of the following squares: (0,7) (2,7) ( 4,7) ( 6,7) 11. Once a chip is declared a â€Å"dama†, it could slide diagonally forward in any vacant square provided no opposing chip blocks it. It could take a chip or chips and double the score. 12. Similarly, if any ordinary chip takes a â€Å"dama† or a â€Å"dama† takes another â€Å"dama† the score in both situations is doubled . ( x two ) x ( four) 13. A player can take one chip or more than one chips with the required option to take the greater number of chips. 14. Between a â€Å" dama† taking a chip and a chip taking another chip, the former is obliged. Between a â€Å"dama† taking a chip and a â€Å"dama† takes two or more chips, the later prevails. 15. â€Å"Dama† chip should be identified by encircling the chip in the score sheet. 16. The game ends after 20 minutes. 17. The game also ends if: a. the moves are repetitive. b. A player has no more move. c. A player has no more chip. d. A chip is cornered. e. A player resign f. Both players agree to a draw 18. The remaining chips or chip of player is added to his total score. 19. If the remaining chip is a â€Å"dama†, the value of the chip is doubled. 20. The player with the greater accumulated total wins the games except sci-dama. 21. If both players have the same score or tie is recorded as ? ? , essentially half a point rather than the full point for a win. 22. The player may or may not use a calculator. 23. Only players are allowed to raise questions during the game through the arbiter and should be solved immediately. 24. Arbiter is always right in his decisions. SPECIAL MOVES AND SCORES â€Å"DAMA† chip can move or takes a piece to any unoccupied square along the diagonal path. DAMA takes Ordinary, times 2. Ordinary takes Dama , times 2. Dama takes Dama, times 4. Dama remaining chip, times 2. Mayor tatlo or dalawa, mayor tatlo, prevail. Mayor tatlo, dalawa over dama prevail. Illegal or incorrect move-entries must be corrected. The ‘taker’ chip is always the addend ( addition ), minuend ( subtraction ) multiplicand (multiplication), dividend ( division) and augend ( binary ). DRAWS Between evenly matched opponents, damath games will sometime end in draws. So whats a draw? Thats when nobody wins. In tournaments, draws are recorded as ? ? , essentially half a point rather than the full point for a win. There are two kinds of draws to discuss briefly. 1. Draws by agreement. This kind of draw is the most common. At any time in the game, you can offer a draw to your opponent. Be mindful of good etiquette, however. Dont offer a draw on every move! And be sure to offer the draw correctly. Make your move, offer the draw (I offer a draw is fine) and only then inform your arbiter (assuming that you have arbiter. An offer of a draw without making a move is NOT a legal offer and can be ignored by arbiter. 2. Threefold repetition regardless of score You or your opponent can claim a draw if the same position occurs fourth times in the same game, all with the same player to move. Such repetitions can easily occur in endgames when one player is using DAMA chips. To claim such a draw, you need to have an accurate scoresheet and demonstrate to the tournament arbiter that the claim is valid. To claimed such a draw both players must be correct, agreed to the draw! FOR TEACHERS Addition and subtraction of binary numbers When adding binary number A B . A is called the augend and B is called the addend. When subtracting binary number A, I, e. A – B = C, A is called the minuend, B is called the subtrahend and C is called the difference. When multiplying A by B to give C, i. e. A x B = C, A is called the multiplicand, B the multiplier and C the product. When dividing number a is called the dividend, B the divisor and C the qoutient. What is Sci- Damaths? Sci–Damaths ( Sci = Science, Dama = Pinoy game checker board, maths = mathematics) is a line of attact and sound addition, subtraction, multiplication and division game between two players that is enjoyed by pupils and students, from classroom to home. Though the game of sci-damaths has taken many variations over its long time, todays form entered the digital age, as games and tournaments are played online and via email. Using a Pinoy checker board composed of grids and diagonal lines , the game against anothers involves the use of strategic moves and techniques using the chips. Using the chips, players execute tactics to remove the challengers chips thru mathematical operations. Its significance to dramatize the importance of Science and Mathematics using the typical game of Pinoy called DAMA. It is played by two players who move by turns diagonally. How to play Sci-Damaths? Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checker board game DAMA will be used. CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD SCI DAMATHS BOARD AND CHIPS ‘The Board’ the Sci-damaths board measures 32 cm x 32 cm with 8 x8 squares. It contains 24 chips in two colors ( 12 chips of each color). Each chip measure 2 cm in diameter. Notation Sci- Damath notation has its own system. Each row of squares across the board is numbered as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 staring from left and right side of the board. Each column of squares running up the board is also numbered as 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 starting from left to right side of the board. Polynomial damath has its own notation ( 0,0), ( 0,0 ) ( 7,7) , ( 7,7) for corners of the sci-damath board. POWERS OF THE CHIPS The first example illustrates how the chip moves. It can move to any square marked with an X The chips can move to any vacant square. The chip can capture the opposing chip. The chip can move or capture in a diagonal way unless it is obstructed by a chip. The chip moves to square by going one square diagonally but not in a horizontal or vertical or form the square it occupies. The chip can jump over other chips in the course Of its move ( Pass is not allowed. ) The chip can capture diagonally forward or backward to the left or to the right. How to use the board? Set the starting position of the chips. Note that the chips must be arranged. According to position and the level of game. A move is the transfer of a chip diagonally From one square to another. A capture is the Removal of an opposing chip for the board; Mathematical operation will be used depending On the vacant square’s operation symbol where The â€Å" taker† chips land b jumping over the â€Å"taken† chip; it is accomplished by actually removing the â€Å" taken â€Å" chip. ( You cannot capture your own chip). Sci-Damath Operation Used ) will be used.? Mathematical operations ( + , -, x , Elementary Sci dama and counting damaths, plus and minus only. Secondary Sci Dama . THI only ( plus and minus). WRITING MOVES Suppose in the diagram below the white chips at ( 5,2) moves ( 6,3 ). This would be OPENING IS BEST: There is no answer to that question, its all a matter of style and personal fancy, its just the same with choice of defense, whatever actual openings you choose you must have a deep understanding of the ideas behind the opening play. Learning opening principle is easy it is really just a matter of knowing what not to do. Learning in a series of opening moves wont make you better damath player. There is no point in studying the opening if you don’t understand the middle game and if you don’t understand he end game. WHAT MAKES A DAMATH PLAYER? 1. The ability to calculate accurately and quickly will be useful. 2. A good memory will also be used. 3. The ability to think logically must help. 4. The ability to concentrate. HOW TO HANDLE TIME TROUBLE? 1. Concentrate on the position alone. 2. Time spent writing can’t be spent thinking. 3. Don’t keep looking at the clock. 4. Don’t panic. â€Å" YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING MAKES A GOOD PLAYER EXCEPT HARD WORK. † FINDING THE RIGHT MOVE The answer is to select one of the moves straight away, toss a coin if necessary! Check that it is good ,and play it. TAKING YOUR OPPONENTS SERIOUSLY Remember , you may not think your opponent is good enough to beat you, but you can always play badly enough to lose him! AVOIDING BLUNDERS To avoid making mistakes you should first understand why you make them. Blunders on the damath board are usually the result of carelessness or muddled thinking. You make mistake when you are tired or bored or when you have just win through the excitement of a complicated series of moves. Never relax and always stay calm. GAINING EXPERIENCE At every sci-damath club and contest there will be players keen to help and encourage you so long as you play and behave sensibly. Join a club, play in every contest you can, and don’t worry about losing by playing you gain experience. With experience you gain knowledge and become a better players†¦ good enough perhaps to become tomorrow’s champion!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Do The Media Do To People Media Essay

What Do The Media Do To People Media Essay In 1959, E.Katz, a psychologist by profession was trying to grapple with the question what do the media do to people? which other researchers were attempting to answer. According to Katz, what people did with the media was more important and worthy of research. He assumed that mass media audiences are active participants in the interaction and therefore it was important for the research to focus on motivations for selecting a medium and the expected gratification from it. This led to the development of uses and gratifications theory. Uses and gratifications theory attempts to explain the uses and functions of the media for individuals, groups, and society in general. There are three objectives in developing uses and gratifications theory: 1) to explain how individuals use mass communication to gratify their needs. What do people do with the media. 2) to discover underlying motives for individuals media use. 3) to identify the positive and the negative consequences of individual media use. At the core of uses and gratifications theory lies the assumption that audience members actively seek out the mass media to satisfy individual needs. It is an audience-centred approach. When an audience actively seeks out media, they are typically seeking it in order to gratify a need. For example, in social situations, people may feel more confident and knowledgeable when they have specific facts and stories from media to add to conversation. By seeking out media, a person fulfils a need to be informed. Social situations and ps ychological characteristics motivate the need for media, which motivates certain expectations of that media. This expectation leads one to be exposed to media that would seemingly fit expectations, leading to an ultimate gratification. There are three main paradigms in media effects: hypodermic needle (i.e., direct, or strong effects), limited effects, and the powerful to limited effects. Uses and Gratifications falls under the second paradigm. The hypodermic needle model claims that consumers are strongly affected by media and have no say in how the media influences them. The main idea of the Uses and Gratifications model is that people are not helpless victims of all-powerful media, but use media to fulfil their various needs. These needs serve as motivations for using media. The media dependency theory has also been explored as an extension to the uses and gratifications approach to media, though there is a subtle difference between the two theories. Dependency on media assumes audience goals to be the origin of the dependency while the uses and gratifications approach focuses more on audience needs, however both theories agree that media use can lead to media dependency. The media dependency theory states that the more dependent an individual is on the media to fulfill needs, the more significant the media becomes to that person. DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach (1976) illustrate dependency as the relationship between media content, the nature of society, and the behaviour of audiences. Littlejohn (2002) also explained that people will become more dependent on media that meet a number of their needs than on media that touch only a few needs. Dependency on a certain medium is influenced by the number of sources open to an individual. Individuals are usually more dependent on available media if their access to media alternatives is limited. The more alternatives there are for an individual, the less is the dependency on, and influence of, a specific medium. Kazt supported the idea of studies which sought to find out what people do with the media. He cited a 1949 Berelson study conducted by interviewing people during a newspaper strike about what they missed in the newspaper. Many read because they felt it was the socially acceptable thing to do, and some felt that the newspaper was indispensable in finding out about world affairs. Many however, sought escape, relaxation, entertainment, and social prestige. These people recognized that awareness of public affairs was value in conversations. Some wanted help in their daily lives by reading material about fashion, recipes, weather forecasts and other useful information Severin and Tankard Jr. (1992:270). Davidson in Severin and Tankard Jr. (1992:269) argues that the communicators audience is not a passive recipient; it cannot be regarded as a lump of clay to be moulded by the master propagandist. Rather the audience is made up of individuals who demand something from communications to whic h they are exposed, and who select those that are likely to be useful to them. In other words, they must get something from the manipulator if he is to get something from them. A bargain is involved. The uses and gratifications approach involves a shift of focus from the purposes of the communicator to the purposes of the receiver. To a large extent, the user of the mass communication medium is in control. Uses and gratifications approach reminds us that people use the media for various purposes. Studies have shown that bored audiences use the media for exiting content while stressed subjects would use relaxing content, supporting the idea that audiences choose media content to provide gratifications they are seeking. Elliot and Rosenberg concluded that much of mass media use might be merely a matter of habit. They carried a study in which people indicated that they watched some soap operators out of habit which they enjoyed doing. Jay G. Blumler and Elihu Katz devised their uses and gratifications model in 1974 to highlight five areas of gratification in media texts for audiences. These include: Escape some media texts allow the user to escape from reality. For example, video games. Social interaction People create personal relationships with the characters in a media text. Potentially this could become dangerous if people do not question the reality of such texts. It also creates a common ground for conversation in peoples everyday lives. Identify People often identify a part of themselves in a media text, either through character or circumstance. For example, hair style trends stemming from a magazine feature. This can go a long way in peoples ideologies. Inform and educate the audience gain an understanding of the world around them by consuming a media text, for example print and broadcast news. Entertain consumed purely for entertainment purposes, meaning that text need not have any other gratifications. The Uses and Gratifications Model of the Media The mass media is a huge phenomenon. Through the various different platforms, print or broadcast, the media is able to reach millions of people like no other force. Without the media, powerful speeches by politicians would affect no one, local events would remain local, and performances by great actors would be seen only by the people in the immediate audience. The media overcomes distances, and builds a direct relationship with the audience. Many sociologists have attempted to explore what effects this has on society, and how the media fits in to our social network. Through many programmes of research, including focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, clinical studies and plain hypothesising, a number of models describing the medias relationship with audiences have been drawn up. Initially, researchers approached the subject from the angle of how the media is able to manipulate audiences, injecting messages into their minds. This hypodermic model, as discussed in the earlier part was rejected after closer examination. The Uses and Gratifications model represented a change in thinking, as researchers began to describe the effects of the media from the point of view of audiences. The model looks at the motives of the people who use the media, asking why we watch the television programmes that we do, why we bother to read newspapers, why we find ourselves so compelled to keep up to date with our favourite soap. The underlying idea behind the model is that people are motivated by a desire to fulfil, or gratify certain needs. So rather that asking how the media uses us, the model asks how we use the media. The model is broken down into four different needs. Surveillance: The surveillance need is based around the idea that people feel better having the feeling that they know what is going on in the world around them. One of the genres this is often applied to is news. By watching or reading about news we learn about what is happening in the world, and as the news is usually bad news, this knowledge leaves us feeling more secure about the safety of our own lives. This idea might seem a bit strange, that the more we know about tragedies the safer we feel, but sociologists argue that ignorance is seen as a source of danger, and so the more knowledge we have the safer we feel. When looking at the news its easy to spot news items that give us this reaction. For example if it wasnt for watching the news we might be unknowingly become vulnerable to the latest computer virus or end up in a hospital with an epidemic like swine flu. Its not just news that fulfils the surveillance model however; the theory can also be seen in many consumer and crim e-appeal programmes. These appeal directly through the idea that they are imparting information that people need to know. The programmes talk far more directly to the viewer, and even try to get the viewer involved in the programme. Because these programmes deal purely with national and local concerns, without such vagaries as world news, the issues apparently have the potential to affect the viewer directly. This explains why certain channels like Aaj Tak and IndiaTV show programmes which have wide viewership in rural areas. Some of the contents of these channels would never be appreciated by the urban audience. The surveillance model then is all about awareness. We use the mass media to be more aware of the world, gratifying a desire for knowledge and security. Personal Identity: The personal identity need explains how being a subject of the media allows us to reaffirm the identity and positioning of ourselves within society. This can most be seen in soaps, which try to act as a microcosm of society as a whole. The characters in soaps are usually designed to have wildly different characteristics, so that everyone can find someone to represent themselves, someone to aspire to, and someone to despise. For example someone might feel close to a character who is always falling victim to other people, and this connection might help him/her to understand and express his/her feelings. Someone may also really like a character who seems cool and leads a aspirational lifestyle everyone would desire to lead. This relationship could act as a way to channel your ones life, helping to set goals to work to. Finally there may be a character one really cant stand. By picking out their bad characteristics and decisions, it helps audiences to define their own personal identity by differentiation. The use of the media for forming personal identity can also be seen outside soaps. Sports personalities and pop stars can often become big role models, inspiring young children everywhere (which is why theres such an outcry when one of them does something wrong). Even the seriousness of news can lend itself to gratifying personal identity, by treating news anchors as personalities, rather than simply figureheads relaying information. Personal Relationships: Audiences can form a relationship with the media, and also use the media to form a relationship with others. Relationships with the Media : Many people use the television as a form of companionship. The television is often quite an intimate experience, and by watching the same people on a regular basis we can often feel very close to them, as if we even know them. When presenters or characters in a soap die, those who have watched that person a lot often grieve for the character, as if they have lost a friend. Some events can even cause media outcries, such as the recent reality shows where the events within the show became main stories on the TV/News channels. The more we watch the same personalities, the more we feel we get to know them. Reality TV shows such as Big Brother and its adapted versions in India give us such a feeling of intimacy with the participants that they can become part of our lives. Even though the relationship is completely one-sided, its easy to see how we can fall in love with TV personalities. Using the Media within Relationships: Another aspect to the personal relationships model is how we can sometimes use the media as a springboard to form and build upon relationships with real people. Having a favourite TV programme in common can often be the start of a conversation, and can even make talking to strangers that much easier. Some families use sitting around watching the television as a stimulus for conversation, talking to each other about the programme or related anecdotes while it is on. Diversion: The diversion need describes whats commonly termed as escapism watching the television so we can forget about our own lives and problems for a while and think about something else. This can work with positive programmes, such as holiday shows or the constant happy endings which help to cheer us up and forget our own problems, and with negative programmes, such as a tragic film, which help to put our own problems into perspective. The diversion model also accounts for using the media for entertainment purposes, such as a good spy film, and for relaxation. The media can give us emotional release and also sexual arousal, which includes a sexy scene in a film as well as pornography. Altogether, the Uses and Gratifications model outlines the many reasons we have for using the mass media, and the kind of functions that the media can play within our lives. New media and current scenario The shift of media and media industry over the past few years into new forms, such as DVD/ Blue ray and the internet based social networking sites, changes the modalities available for audiences to consume and receive media. The change has caused some media theorists to call into question the influence that the media has over attitudes and beliefs. Urbanization, industrialization and modernization create social conditions in which the mass media is developing and reshaping. Mass media plays a crucial role in forming and reflecting public opinion: media connects the world to individuals and reproduce the self-image of society. Contemporary global media scenario presents a more complex interaction between the media and society, with the media generating information from a network of relations and influences. The individual interpretations and evaluations of the information provided sometimes lead to consequences and ramifications of the mass media which may relate not merely to the way newsworthy events are perceived (and which are reported at all), but also to a multitude of cultural influences that operate through the media. The media has a strong social and cultural impact upon society. This is predicated upon its ability to reach a wide audience which often sends a strong and influential message. It is through the persuasiveness of media such as television, radio and print media that reach the target audience. These have been influential media as they have been largely responsible in structuring the daily lives and routines of millions across the globe. Television broadcasting has a large amount of control in influencing the content that society watches and the times in which they are viewed. This is a distinguishing feature of traditional media and although they are by no means redundant, the development of the internet has challenged the traditional participation habits involved in media such as television. The internet has lifted some of the restrictions placed on society by allowing for diversification of political opinions, social and cultural differences and heightened level of consumer participa tion. There have been suggestions that allowing consumers to produce information through the internet will lead to a bombardment of too much information. It can however allow society a medium for expressing opinions and moving away from the political restrictions placed on society. The uses and gratifications theory of Blumler and Katz (1974) and other group studies in social psychology provide such major motivations for individuals to join virtual communities on social networking sites like facebook, orkut, twitter etc, as the need for social integration (belong and be affiliated), the need for help in achieving goals (e.g. by obtaining information), the need for realizing economic exchanges, the need for status enhancement (by impressing and manipulating others), and the need for entertainment. Some of the other ways in which uses and gratification becomes relevant in the Indian/Global media scenario are:- Media can also influence the way people converse due to embedding their minds with particular thoughts and feelings via their various media outlets. Certain movies have quotes that can be engrained into the minds of the audience. However, these quotes can be either appropriate or inappropriate. When someone hears something in the media and it is reinforced through the various media channels i.e. TV, radio, newspapers etc, general members of the public become more susceptible as taking the news as the whole truth, and this can then be accepted as the norm within society. Many famous trials about celebrities have ended in such bad publicity and negative depictions of the people involved that their reputation gets damaged forever, irrespective of the outcome of the trial. The general public already forms their opinion even before the trials are conducted. In the United States the election of many politicians has been enormously influenced by media. Most notably John F. Kennedys victory in the presidential race of 1960 against Richard Nixon has been described by many as the result of his more handsome and good looking appearance on television, especially when compared with Nixon. Also Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger whose fame as actors helped them to gain more media attention and eventually the victory in their elections as president or governor. Similarly Barrack Obama used all the forms of media to build a public opinion in his favour and exploited the latest available social networking platforms to maximize the multiplier effect. The results of the last general elections in India and the victory of Congress party can be linked to a similar media strategy. Criticisms of uses and gratification theory Many people have criticized this theory as they believe the public has no control over the media and what it produces. It can also be said to be too kind to the media, as they are being let off the hook and do not need to take responsibility for what they produce. It is not always safe to assume that people choose the media based on their needs. There are other factors which restrict choices of the audiences, virtually leaving them with a very few or no alternatives. Some of the other criticisms of the theory as found in the literature have been quoted below:- The nature of the theory underlying Uses and Gratifications research is not totally clear, (Blumler, 1979) Practitioners of Uses and Gratifications research have been criticized for a formidable array of shortcomings in their outlook they are taxed for being crassly atheoretical, perversely eclectic, ensnared in the pitfalls of functionalism and for flirting with the positions at odds with their functionalist origins, (Blumler, 1979). The biggest issue for the Uses and Gratifications Theory is its being non-theoretical, being vague in key concepts, and being nothing more than a data-collecting strategy (Littlejohn, 2002; Severin and Tankard, 1997; McQuail 1994). It seems that using this theory has little to no link to the benefit of psychology due to its weakness in operational definitions and weak analytical mode. Also, it is focused too narrowly on the individual and neglects the social structure and place of the media in that structure (Severin and Tankard, 1997). Due to the individualistic nature of Uses and Gratification theory, it is difficult to take the information that is collected in studies. Most research relies on pure recollection of memory rather than data (Katz, 1987). This makes self-reports complicated and immeasurable. uses and gratifications research portrays media consumption as primarily rational and individualistic, whereby individuals control consumption according to conscious goals. This assumes (contrary to Attribution Theory) that respondents are aware of every factor entering into their media choices and do not misjudge the causes of their behaviour. Little attention is therefore accorded to the ways in which media may be consumed mindlessly or ritualistically (Littlejohn, 1989, p. 276). Critics argue that needs for attending to certain media are formed and informed by culture as well as by certain psychological predispositions particular to individual consumers of media products. According to Littlejohn (1989), critici sm of this approach may be divided into three major strands: (a) lack of coherence and theory in the tradition; (b) social and political objections; and (c) the instrumental (versus ritualistic) philosophical bias of uses and gratifications (p. 276). This theory has also been blasted by media hegemony advocates who say it goes too far in claiming that people are free to choose the media fare and the interpretations they want (Severin and Tankard, 1997). Other motives that may drive people to consume media may involve low level attention, a habit or a mildly pleasant stimulation. Uniform effects are not the kind of factor the Uses and Gratifications approach would predict (Severin and Tankard, 1997).

Personal Narrative †Vision of Jesus Essay -- Personal Narrative Writi

Personal Narrative – Vision of Jesus Jesus has appeared in the desert, and in the city. Jesus has appeared on paper, and in sculpture. Jesus has appeared on television, and in art. He has also failed to appear in His tomb. You’d figure that after all that travelling, He’d have to get a bite to eat sometime, so He also decided to appear at â€Å"Tim Horton’s.† Now, I would have thought that The Son of God would have appeared at a more high-class joint, like â€Å"Red Lobster,† but I, sir, am no theologist. The Lord works in mysterious ways. One thing I know, though, is that the lady who spotted the Blessed Visage on the side of that donut and coffee joint does not deserve her newfound reputation of having bats in her belfry. If we all believe that she has bats in hers, it’s a bad thing that we don’t have any in ours. She just happened to be buying a coffee, when she saw The Holy Ghost appear on a wall, and no one else did. Children do that sort of thing all the time, yet they are not ridiculed. Don’t you remember the lazy afternoons of childhood, lying in the green summer grass, staring at cloud littered sky, and picking out the different shapes created by the clouds on the deep blue canvas? â€Å"Look, it’s a lamb!† â€Å"Over there! Unbuttered popcorn!† â€Å"Whoa, that sort of looks like an old man’s beard!† â€Å"Hey, it’s Our Savior, Jesus Christ warning us about the upcoming Apocalypse!† Why not? It’s just the same. Just because the canvas on which she spotted this Holy Image was a solid brick wall, and not high up in the sky, close to Heaven, do we really have to question her mental stability? There are numerous similarities between a brick wall and the sky, enough that Jesus could ... ...le figure, are the turfs of the ghosts of Hamlet’s Father, Richard Nixon, and Elvis. So, if the King of Rock and Roll can be seen at a restaurant, why not the King of Kings? I’m sure He gets hungry sometimes. Others are using the excuse that He disappeared soon after a new set of lights were installed. â€Å"The real Jesus,† they say, â€Å"said He’d stick by His followers through thick and thin. He wouldn’t skip out on us like this on such short notice.† Remember that Jesus is a busy man. He probably had to eat and run. I bet He didn’t even get to finish His coffee. A martyr’s work is never done. After reading this, I hope that this whole thing is now cleared out. Maybe now you can see who is really the crazy one. All is takes is a little logic to explain how this religious stuff works. That’s about all I know about that theology stuff.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Ancient Greeks Belief in the Underworld Essay -- Greek mythology,

A dark, silent, formless void, a perpetual abyss without orientation, this is essentially what the Greeks believed was the origin of the world. The ancient Greeks while trying to further explain the world, invented beguiling myths (Evie). From these myths a world of human like gods and goddesses was formed (Evie). Through narratives, legends, and myths this world justified various abstract ideas, thus creating Greek mythology (Evie). A central element in Greek mythology is the underworld. The underworld is considered to be the place where one’s soul goes to after death. The underworld has played a vital role in Greek culture by serving as an incentive to live a virtuous life, which in turn has affected all aspects of Greek life. The world of the dead or the underworld was viewed as a subterranean realm (Joe). The ancient Greeks believed that almost all mortals would reside in the underworld after their death. Those fortunate few that did not either gained a place at Mount Olympus or became gods or goddesses themselves (Joe). The underworld was ruled by Hades although there were many other deities in the underworld. Hades acquired the underworld when he and his two brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, divided the universe (Joe). Zeus received the sky, Poseidon received the sea and Hades received the underworld. The underworld was divided into several regions. There were five subterranean rivers which flowed through the underworld (Joe). They were Acheron (Woe), Cocytus (Wailing), Lethe (Forgetfulness), Phlegethon (Fire), and Styx (Abhorrence) (Joe). All souls would have to travel through the five rivers before they were judged and sent to their final residing place to wander for all eternity. The underworld also consisted of two mai... gods and goddesses they would be virtuous. The stories and myths of the underworld and those unfortunate souls left to wander for eternity gave incentive to be righteous and please their deities. The Greeks would live their lives accordingly so that they may truly be at peace in the afterlife. To avoid being sentenced to wander aimlessly in the after life the Greeks took every possible precaution. The underworld in Greek mythology served to encourage the Greeks to live a righteous life. In the desire to please the gods and goddesses and to prevent eternal wanderings in the underworld the Greeks changed their lives. Within the changes to their traditions, practices, and daily lives, the Greeks altered their culture. The mythologies of the dark, ominous underworld created a thriving Greek culture with many of its only practices, traditions, and rituals.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Inspector Calls Essay -- miscellaneous

An Inspector Calls How does Priestley use the character of the Inspector to convey his own opinions and attitudes? An Inspector Calls, set in 1912, is a play with many social and political messages. J. B. Priestley believed a great deal in socialism and believed that many other people needed to be more caring about their community and the people in it. Priestley uses the character of the Inspector to convey his own thoughts, feelings and opinions about social issues. However, he also uses other characters, particularly Mr.Birling, to show the audience how cynical some people can be. It is possible that J.B.Priestley set this play in 1912 for a reason. Arthur Birling is a rich businessman who thinks very highly of himself, even though he is often wrong. Arthur's family respect him and listen intently to his ideas that 'there isn't a chance of war' and the Titanic is 'unsinkable.' As the play was written in 1947 and set in 1912, this is an example of dramatic irony and the audience would know that Arthur was very wrong in his opinions and might even think him to be stupid. When he says 'the way some of these cranks talk and write now, you'd think everybody has to look after everybody else', he explicitly says that he is strongly Capitalist and is narrow minded. Priestley wanted the audience to have a low opinion of Birling because he was discouraging his Capitalist politics and trying to show people like Birling to be at fault When Mr.Birling makes his speech he makes several points which Priestley himself disagrees with, he uses the Inspector as a medium to make a point to both the Birling family and the audience that we shouldn’t all â€Å"Look out for our own† which is how Birling describes it. According to Mr.Birlin g every man should put himself first, even before his family. We know this when he says â€Å"A man should look out for himself, and his family if he has one†; this shows just how full of self-importance he actually is. The timing of the Inspector’s entrance is immediately after Birling has made this speech. Throughout the play there are hints that the Inspector isn’t all he seems to be, is it possible that he’s actually just a fraud claiming to be an Inspector? The Inspector called himself 'Goole,' which could be a pun on the word 'ghoul' which is often referred to as some kind of ghostly being. Towards the end of this script it becomes appa... ...police saying that 'A girl has just died.... after swallowing some disinfectant' and a real Inspector will question the family. This is an unexpected twist. The fake Inspector was there to punish them on a moral level and to try and make them feel guilty enough to change their behaviour. This was accomplished with Eric and Sheila, but not with the others. The only thing that they would be affected by was a 'public scandal,' and the real Inspector would ensure that that is what they would get. Without this twist, it would seem that the Birling parents and Gerald would escape unpunished. The Inspector's main purpose is to teach. In the context of the play, he told the characters what had happened to a particular girl because they had each been guilty of selfishness. In regards to the whole of society, he voiced Priestley's opinions that we cannot make any progress if we do not work together. In my opinion, those watching or reading the play today would not gain as much from the story in regards to the moral teachings because most have now accepted the advantages of Socialism over Capitalism and so do not have as much to learn on the arguments of this issue as the audiences of 1947.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Simul8 in Supply Chain

[pic] PLYMOUTH BUSINESS SCHOOL COURSEWORK COVERSHEET GROUP WORK NAMES and NUMBERS of students in the group (2 Students): 1. El-Iraki, Youssef (10448517) 2. Badr, Noureldin (10445226) MODULE CODE: MBM5204 MODULE NAME: Logistics, Supply Chains, Systems and Methods Lecturer: Professor Dongping Song DEADLINE : 11th February 2013 WORD COUNT: 1,657 By submitting this piece of assessment the group confirms that all the work is thoroughly and adequately acknowledge and referenced, and has been completed in accordance with the University and Programme Regulations.Table of Contents 1. 0 Introduction3 2. 0 Current Simulation Model3 2. 1 Clock Options3 2. 2 The warm-up period3 2. 3 Results collection period4 2. 4 The number of trials used4 2. 5 Results analysis4 3. 0Pooling Resources5 3. 1 The impact of pooling resources5 3. 2 Comparison between initial model and pooled model6 4. 0Usefulness of Simulation Model in Business Context6 4. 1 Simulation and decision making6 4. 2 Researcher Recommendat ion8 5. 0 Bibliography9 6. 0 Appendices:11 1. 0 IntroductionSimulation is one of the three quantitative analysis solutions and it is essential in logistics decision making (Ghiani, et al. , 2004). Simulation model can answer what if questions in existing system as for this case, the business needs to know and evaluate performance if two warehouses and four drivers can be pooled to compare the results and the influence of the supply chain performance, in order to give an optimal supply-production-distribution system decisions. The researchers used SIMUL8 program to run the simulations and draw the predictable models needed. . 0 Current Simulation Model 2. 1 Clock Options The business is working daily from Monday till Friday by which the shifts are starting from 9:00 till 17:00 (8 hours/day), and the time is set up in hours to monitor the start time and the length of each day. 2. 2 The warm-up period The warm-up period is crucial when building up simulation for manufacturing models, b ecause there is no work-in-progress in such industries at the beginning of the process (Concannon et al. , 2007).Robinson (2007) stated that there are various methods to determine warm-up period in the simulation model such as the model of run-in for a warm-up period until it reaches a steady state and then the data are deleted and the model of a realistic initial condition at the start of the run. The first model was taking into consideration when determining the warm-up period and has shown that the warm-up period is 280 hours. It is worth adding a 20% to the normal warm-up period as a safety margin (SIMUL8, 2013).The table below shows the exact warm-up period after running and monitoring the simulation model. Figure (1): Warm-up period [pic] 2. 3 Results collection period The result collection period is usually chosen to reflect an appropriate operating period. In this model the period set to 1600 hours = 40 weeks. The researchers decided to choose 40 weeks as statistically n ? 3 0, it is important to use large sample size to be more accurate and it is necessary to produce results among variables that are totally different (Freeman, et al. , 2010). 2. 4 The number of trials usedAfter running the simulation model, it was important to generate the results required to help the company analyse the output data accurately. The more trials used, the more accurate the results will be. Approximately 3000 trials for both initial and pooling models are conducted to give sufficient accurate results needed for the company. 2. 5 Results analysis Appendix (2) illustrates the results that conducted after running the simulation of model 1. The average time in system is 110 hours due to many reasons in the supply chain which affects production plan that lead to poor delivery performance.Although the main objective of any manufacturer is to decrease lead-time in order to satisfy customer and achieve better delivery performance. Driver’s performances are 91% and they are considered as an important resource to deliver finished goods to end customers at the right time. The waiting percentage of the available vehicles is set to be 2% which cannot be considered as a factor that hinder the efficiency of customer delivery. However, the working percentage of vehicles can be enormous factor that affect customer delivery.As shown in appendix (2), vehicles are only operating at a 79% of its total working ability. Since the warehouses hold finished goods and is considered to be an inventory, therefore it is crucial to minimise the capacity of the warehouses to achieve greater financial success. Appendix (2) shows that the average queue size of both warehouses is nearly 16 units whereas the maximum capacity of the warehouses is 50 units, thus the capacity of the warehouses are efficiently used. Average queue time of the available warehouses is another factor that must be taken in the prior considerations.An average of 34 hours is spent to deliver orders from w arehouses to customers and this can be nearly 30% of the whole time spent in system. The rule of thumb declares that once the goods are manufactured, it must be delivered as quickly as possible to reduce storage costs and to satisfy customers. Pooling Resources 3. 1 The impact of pooling resources Pooling resources is a possible method to improve service performance without adding any other resources. Pooling help to reduce the variability of data collection, however pooling of customers adds variability to the system and no efficiency will be gained (Vanberkel et al. 2010). Furthermore, it helps to reduce the average queue time in system for the products; it is optimal to schedule the shortest job first and to give priority to short jobs (Downey, n. d. ). Thus, it can reduce inventory holding period and costs. This method used in the model is called FIFO (first-in first-out). 3. 2 Comparison between initial model and pooled model 1- There are dramatic changes after pooling warehous es, the queuing time dropped from 34 hours to 15 hours while queue size decreased from16 units to 15 units.As a result the average time in system declined from 110 hours to 88 hours, thus it can lead to better customer service, saving storage costs and save time as well. 2- After pooling the drivers, it has influenced the waiting times of the vehicles to increase slightly from 2% to 2. 4%. While driver’s utilisation has improved significantly to rise from 91% to 93%, therefore drivers after pooling can respond quickly and flexibly to customers. Usefulness of Simulation Model in Business Context 4. 1 Simulation and decision makingThe simulation model can help the real-world companies to provide efficient production and distribution systems as stated by Tunali et al. (2011). SIMUL8 has become the preferred tool as it brings solutions for production planning and scheduling to thousands of engineers that have complex supply chains and distribution systems such as Chrysler, GM, Fo rd etc. (SIMUL8, 2013). SIMUL8 is easy to use and support numerous critical decisions making every year because it enables to create accurate and flexible output more rapidly.Moreover, it helps bridging the ERP gap by creating new and feasible production plans (Concannon et al. , 2003). Analysis and assessment of business processes; development of what if scenarios and export to implementation platforms, such as workflow management and ERP systems are the key advantages of simulation modelling, because it enables the integration of these functions easily and more accurately (Verma et al. , n. d. ). As a result, decision making can be easily overtaken and this is the reason why thousands of companies use simulation modelling to optimise their supply-production-distribution systems.Chrysler saved $5 Million by using Simul8 software which helped them to identify the best performance and bottleneck lines, thus it assisted them to slow it down. Simul8 also reduced the manpower on these a ssembly lines which have saved $ 600,000 per year as labour costs. On the other hand, the researchers could not identify the best performance and bottleneck lines because it needs Simul8 professional software which is used in real world companies and the need of historical data is crucial to be more realistic when identifying the bottlenecks in the supply-production-distribution systems (Simul8, 2013).The researchers used Simul8 education software in this case and they found out after pooling warehouses and drivers, significant results are achieved such as reducing inventory (from 16. 7 units to 15. 5 units) and the time of finished goods spent in the warehouse was also decreased significantly (34. 5 hours to 15. 9 hours). As a result, the lead-time dropped from 110 hours to 88 hours. Furthermore, driver’s utilisation increased from 91. 1% to 93. 6% after pooling the resources (drivers).Thus, the business could react more responsively to customers and achieve enormous financi al success because of their drivers’ flexibility (Velverde et al. , 2000). According to McLean and Leong, simulation models can help manufacturing and operational departments to determine which new technologies need to be used, organise labour shifts and materials management required for each production stage and modelling of supplier relationships (McLean and Leong, 2001). Table (1): Usefulness of Simulation Model Usefulness of the Simulation Model | |Business Context |Current Simulation Model | |Support the operation of supply chain through â€Å"what-if† |A trial of approximately 3,000 runs were conducted to compare the available | |manufacturing model |results | |Perform capacity planning analysis |Available capacities for warehouses in the initial model were set to 50 each, but | | |it was planned to pool both warehouses together to have a capacity of 100 which | | |delivers enormous results.Maximum batches for trucks and availability% of drivers| | |were set which helped for planning the distribution process of the model | |Establish the required resources for production and material |Determine and manage the required raw materials needed for assembling the product | |handling |(How many raw materials needed from each supplier) it can also be set on which | | |statistical distribution used to supply these values materials as the simulation | | |runs | |Ability to evaluate overall firm performance |Every stage of the production and distribution process are evaluated such as | | |working%, waiting%, utilisation of drivers, queue sizes, queue times, etc. As a | | |result, this can elp evaluate the performance of the company and assist the top | | |management in taking the right decisions | 4. 2 Researcher Recommendation By using SIMUL8, the researcher suggested to add value to the company even after pooling their resources which affected in significant results. The researches created new model and recommended to add one more vehicle with the same amount of resources that are available (drivers, warehouses) to compare with the previous results. The following table shows even more effective results as customers received their orders in less than the time spent by using only 2 vehicles.It has also shown that driver’s utilisation increased significantly from 93. 2% to 97. 9% and this is due to a huge reduction in waiting times of drivers. Finally, warehouses queue size and queuing time have decreased to meet nearly the maximum efficiency by which slight amount inventory holding and very tiny amount of time is spent inside the warehouse where most of the finished goods are ready for delivery to customers once arrived. Table (2): Results of adding extra vehicle [pic] 5. 0 Bibliography †¢ Concannon, K. Elder, M. Hindle, K. Tremble, J. and Tse, S. (2007) Simulation Modeling with simul8. [online] Available at: < http://www. visual8. om/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/simulation_modeling_with_simul8_web. pdf > [Accesse d on 26th of January 2013]. †¢ Concannon, K. H. , Hunter, K. I. & Tremble, J. M. (2003) SIMUL8-Planner: Simulation-Based Planning and Scheduling. [online] Available at: < http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/stamp/stamp. jsp? arnumber=01261593 > [Accessed on 28th of January 2013]. †¢ Downey, A. B. (n. d. ) Using queue time predictions for processor Allocation. [online] Available at: < http://www. cs. huji. ac. il/~feit/parsched/jsspp97/p-97-2. pdf> [Accessed on 27th January 2013]. †¢ Freeman, J. , Shoesmith, E. , Anderson, D. R. , Sweeney, D. J. & Williams, T. A. (2010) Statistics for business and economics. 2nd ed.Hampshire: South-Western Cengage learning. †¢ Ghiani, G. , Laporte, G. and Musmanno, R. (2004) Introduction to logistics systems planning and control. Chichester: Wiley. †¢ McLean, C. and Leong, S. (2001) The Role of Simulation in Strategic Manufacturing. [online] Available at: < http://citeseerx. ist. psu. edu/messages/downloadsexceeded. html > [Accessed on 30th of January 2013]. †¢ Robinson, S. (2007) A statistical process control approach to selecting a warm-up period for a discrete-event simulation. European Journal of Operational Research [online], 176 (1). Available at: < http://ac. els-cdn. com/S0377221705005643/1-s2. 0-S0377221705005643-main. pdf? tid=65d0a6b8-6edb-11e2-94b5-00000aacb35e&acdnat=1359990116_8f49ecb58acc4020e744141def925d90 > [Accessed on 26th of January 2013]. †¢ Simul8 (2013) Warm-up Time. [online] Available at: < http://www. simul8. com/support/help/doku. php? id=gettingstarted:techguide:warmup&do=show > [Accessed on 26th of January 2013]. †¢ Simul8. (2013) Chrysler projected to save $5 million using SIMUL8. [online] Available at: < http://www. simul8. com/our_customers/case_studies/chrysler_line_balancing. htm > [Accessed on 28th of January 2013]. †¢ Tunali, S. , Ozfirat, P. M. & Ay G. 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Available at: < http://doc. utwente. nl/67543/1/memo1902. pdf > [Accessed on 27th of January 2013]. †¢ Verma, R. , Sharma, A. & Gupta, A. (n. d. ) Role of Simulation Modeling in Business Process Re-engineering. [online] Available at: < http://simvehic. com/admin/rpapers/Role%20of%20Simulation%20Modeling%20in%20Business%20Process%20Reengineering. pdf > [Accessed on 28th of January 2013]. 6. 0 Appendices: Appendix (1): Initial Simulation Model [pic] Appendix (2): Initial results [pic] Appendix (3): Pooled Simulation Model [pic] Appendix (4): Pooling Results [pic]